
Name: Dragonflame
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: Dragonflame company is the Defenders of the North. Mainly as the primary standing defensive force for our lands of Astral Winds and Lupine Moon. We are a brotherhood of friends. We exist to make the game fun and enjoyable for everyone.
History: Dragonflame was started in the year 2001, At the time Astral Winds was young and surrounded by force's wanting to see her destruction. A company stepped up, when no others would and said they would defend Astral Winds. Since then because of Dragonflame's valor, and defense of Astral Winds they where awarded with a fortress keep on the east edge of Astral Winds as a boarder against the ork lands. Dragonflame has recently spread its banner to the south as defenders of Lupine Moon. Raising a fighting force to keep the group well protected.


Member Role Title
Anafiel Member Retired
Beltharion Member Retired
Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter Member Soldier (LM)
Gaugington the Excellent AKA Gauge the Great Member Commander (LM)
June Vesper Member Lieutenant (LM)
Lord Evan Valos of Seighs Member Soldier (LM)
Master Man at Arms Enigma Member Soldier (AW)
Matrim Member Commander (AW)
Sir Troll Lord, Captain, Zerial Trollhorn, the Unrelenting, G.O.A.T Member Soldier (AW)
Tatsuya Member Soldier (LM)