
Name: Ruineco
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: As a mercenary company we the company of ruine are up for any challenge, for the right pay. As individuals we thrive in our own skills and abilities. We gather together all that wishes to join us to keep the company strong and true. We accept all into the company and do not judge each other. We help each other, train each other, support each other and bring pride to the company. Each company member achieves corporal after there first event with the company. The corporals can have 4 men as there squad and are responsible for selecting them and training them. Upon achieving a squad they become sergeants. Support each other help each other and the prizes of war are ours to keep.
History: A young barbarian left his homes in the mountains and traveled to a far land called the emerald hills. Apron arrival he banded together with all that would follow him into battle. And ruine company was born.


Member Role Title
Ashrok Member
Chaos Member
Doladar Member
Drake Member
Flames Member
Goon Member
Harmonia Member
Kromlen Member
Mammoth Member
Mother Dragon Member
My Precious Member
Phantom Member
Squirt Member