Raccoon Keep

Name: Raccoon Keep
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: We the undersigned members of the fighting company of Raccoon Keep do hereby state our purpose in forming said company is to preserve our view of Amtgard life and to be with like minded companions. Regardless of group, the members of RK will stand with each other to support Amtgard locally, having no interest in national recognition or affiliation. Our goal is to preserve the game we enjoy and to share that preservation with others. We shall assist in the helping of new members to Amtgard, either in training, equipment, or merely the acknowledgment of new players- to try and make them a part of the group.
History: Raccoon Keep was founded back in the old Columbus shire of Falcon Ridge. We served there with honor, some of our members moving to Blackfire Pass in Marysville, some returning to Columbus to form the shire of Storm's Hammer, and now our main park is back in Blackfire Pass, now located in Dublin. There were, at one time, over 20 members of Raccoon Keep in the Columbus area and our big event was known as Goblin Wars. Amongst our honors, Raccoon Keep has earned two Orders of the Flame, one from the Kingdom of Dragonspine and one from the Kingdom of Goldenvale. These are service awards. Raccoon Keep has been a 'way station' for many people, when they first began in Amtgard. Some of our more notable one-time members include Lord Rakhir, Lord Skull and Lady Demonika. This may sound strange, but we encourage members to form their own Companies, or to join established Companies, whatever they want to do to pursue their goals in Amtgard. We are a 'starting point' for many Amtgarders who do not know anyone, and once they are established, leave the Company. We honor their service and wish them well. We hope they take something from our group's goals and philosophy. Raccoon Keep is not a physical place. We are not park dependent, meaning we exist in a few parks. We are a place in the Dream, where like minded people can meet and grow. Service to the people, especially those people who do not know where else to get help, is the goal. To help them, train and equip them as we can, and to fight alongside them. Why another version of Raccoon Keep? 1, as an Amtgarder, still see a need for it. The need for Raccoon Keep is very simple. Someone needs to step up and help the new players. The players who do not know anyone else, to give them a home in Amtgard, with people they can trust to watch their backs in a battle because they are in the same Company, to help them in their most crucial time- THE BEGINNING.


Member Role Title
Arcana Le Elfriche Member Guardian
Bear Member
Cyan Member
Dracon Member
Dru Member Chatelaine
Gunther Greybeard Esq. Member
Hosh Ket Member
Lord Robin T. W. Carver, esquire Member Protector
Madison Member
Mistress Starr RavenSkye Member Companion
Panda Member Companion
Pandora Borealis Member
Rasta Mike Mad the Mead Making Monk Member
Taka Member