Iron Curtain

Name: Iron Curtain
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: Our Goal: To promote a better Amtgard by teaching and leading new and old players not just how to fight but how to explore A&S for a more rounded Amtgard experience. To show players how to be more than just another individual but to be part of the Group. And to give those who wish, or want to be in one of the more elite fighting companies a place to showcase their abilities. Founders: Damous, Ryûûgin, & Guldar the Bear Founded in: Kingdom of Golden Plains, Barony of The Glade of Nine Willows (Midland, Texas) Devise: Silver Cross inside silver circle Colors: Black, Green at a 45% angle & devise on L breast The Laws of Iron (Shall not be broken or bent in any way) 1> Be fair, be safe, and be Honorable. 2> Always show honor and respect to the company, Leaders, Monarchy and any Amtgard Officials. 3> At no time will or shall company business interfere with any Amtgard proceedings. 4> Participate in special functions in someway i.e.; tournaments and at least 1 A&S entry per event. 5> Must be in Garb within 30 days of joining company and will wear garb at all Amtgard functions. Titles and positions (Within company) Captain: Zelous/Damous color: Gold Marshal: Ryûûgin color: Silver Arms Master: Guldar the Bear color: Bronze /Keeps and maintains records and other company reference materials. All equal in position & in charge of company organization Quarter Master: Acid Rain color: Red Responsible for keeping and maintaining order during Co. meetings and business 1st Lieutenant: Sir Vagabond color: Blue 2nd Lieutenant: Page Fire Fly color: yellow Master at Arms: color: green Sergeant at Arms: color: white (Colors are to denote rank w/braid on right shoulder) Non ranked positions Deshi: first step for general member before being able to challenge for titled position. Bushi: a full member of the fighting company Ronin: any petitioning member of the fighting company or member who through bad conduct has been demoted. Articles of Advancement 1> Can only start advancement from Ronin once all 3 leaders have accepted unanimously. 2> Keys for advancing are showing the willingness to learn by entering in A&S and fighting tourneys. 3> To advance from a Bushi to Deshi one must have shown exceptional ability to advance and a willingness to teach and learn as one is always learning. 4> To challenge for a Ranked position member must be at least 6th level or its equivalent in a class or multiple classes as well as be approved by all 3 leaders. And shown ample attempts in warskill and cultural events by placing or earning awards in both. 5> When challenging for a filled position the Challenged is entitled to name the type of combat or challenge be it warskill or cultural. Since member should be experienced in either this shouldn’t be a problem. 6> If challenger is victorious in his attempt he then assumes that title and the defeated member assumes the lower vacancy. Titled Responsibilities Those who hold titles within the company are required to teach the others within the company. They are the teachers as well as students as earlier stated we could always learn more. Leaders are responsible for keeping order as well as all stated before and should be held to the same standards as any member. Bad Karma and its results (The response for breaking the rules) 1> Flagrant disregard for the rules or disrespect to others; removal of membership from the company, and possible expulsion from game. 2> Unsafe actions or practices; see punishment below 3> Sluffing or calling your own shots; see punishment below 4> Breaking any of the Iron Laws; see punishment below 5> Fighting or physically endangering anyone; immediate termination from the company 6> If in or attending school any failing grades; suspension of participation from any and all Co. special projects until proof of passing grade is shown. a. Punishment system i. 1st incident warning will be given ii. 2nd incident member must face council of all titled members and do as instructed by a majority vote. iii. 3rd incident loss of any and all title and placed back to ronin where as you are the lowest of low and still answer to the council of company. iv. 4th there shall be no 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
History: Founders: Damous, Ryûûgin, & Guldar the Bear Founded in: Kingdom of Golden Plains, Barony of The Glade of Nine Willows (Midland, Texas) Summer 2005


Member Role Title
Alich Member
Bear Member