Crew of the Emerald Tide

Name: Crew of the Emerald Tide
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: In character, we are a crew of bounty hunters under the command of Seámus Aeislin. Try not to confuse us with treacherous pirates just because we raid the occasional ship or six... We are simply privateers. After all, a man has got to eat, right? Even more importantly, do not confuse us with mercenaries. Though we may take odd jobs for a bit of coin, we have the luxury of being a little more selective of our marks and tasks. As it stands, we are stationed semi-permenantly within the Barony of Caradoc Hold, which we have had our hand in saving more than once so far. From that base of operations, we have been taking any of the odd jobs the good folk of Caradoc; and the local politicians, have tasked us with and are always looking to help the populous, even if the pay is not all that spectacular. As with any crew, we are always looking to expand our numbers. Beleive you me, even if the Emerald Tide isn't the biggest ship out there, I have PLENTY of cannons that need manning and spare bunks that need owners. Those interested in joining, just let me know through an e-mail, or AIM (Shanesquatch) or just float me a message in a bottle.
History: - Crew history to come. -


Member Role Title
Angelus Member Hunter
Bjorn Member Hunter
CC Extollere Member Minstrel
Fuggauk Member Hunter
Gorgoth Member Hunter
Leeroy Member Bosun
Matt Enter Member Barkeep
Seamus Aeislin Member Captain, Seámus Aeislin
Shade Member Hunter
Sir Grand Admiral Anne Cash Member Contact/Associate
Zoradon Member Contact/Associate