Clan AshBorn

Name: Clan AshBorn
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: We are a clan with Scottish and Danish traditions. We are charged with protecting Valhallas Gate and ensuring its growth and prosperity.
History: Our beginnings started off humble. Our ancestors originally served under a Danish king until Ulfric AshBorn was betrayed by his Jarl and sailed away to form a new village in the highlands called Skara Brae. He married a girl named Fiona from this land, a local tribe called Scott. Their cultures blended, and ever since, for generations, Clan AshBorn has ruled these lands that have a mix of Scandinavian and Scottish Cultures. Clan AshBorn’s current patriarch helped establish Valhalla's Gate with help from friends over the ruins of the former Mystik Caverns.


Member Role Title
Elowyn AshBorn Member Madam
Laird Frode AshBorn Lord Chieftain