Clan AshBorn

Name: Clan AshBorn
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: We Are a clan who is based in Scottish and danish traditions our goal is to watch over Valhallas gate and make sure it is protected and growing
History: Our begins started out humble our ancestors originally served under a danish king until Ulfric AshBorn was betrayed by his Jarl and Sailed away to form his own village in the highlands Called Skara Brae He married a girl from this land named Fiona who was from a local tribe called Scotts they’re cultures blended together and ever since for generations Clan AshBorn has ruled these lands that have a mix of Scandinavian and Scottish Cultures Clan AshBorn’s current patriarch helped establish Valhallas gate with help from friends over the ruins of the former Mystik Caverns


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