Volmkiric Faith

Name: Volmkiric Faith
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: Volmkir, a god of war, death, and nature. Depicted as an armor clad warrior with a mantle made from the fur of the elusive, black dire wolf. His crown of antlers above a mask adorned with many runes. Though he was once just a man, he arose to divinity after defeating the Shadow Dragon Zamon Orth atop Mount Craggar. After slaying the mighty foe, he absorbed its power into himself along with the spirits of the warriors who died bravely, helping him defeat the foe. These warrior spirits became the four avatars of Volmkir, his aspects that embody his ways and teachings.
History: The black wolf: a large black dire wolf with eyes like a burning fire. Avatar of Bloodlust, death, and the slaughter. Normally the avatar of Barbarians and others who feel deep Bloodlust in battle. The Voidmonger: Seen most commonly as a towering, plate armored warrior with a mask of many runes and pauldrons depicting faces of great Volmkiric warriors. Avatar of war, honor, glory, and the void. Normally the avatar of fighters, paladins, and anti-paladins. The Grim One: Normally seen as a black cloaked man just out of view with a white painted face and eyes like onyx night. Avatar of magic, death, trickery, and rebirth. Normally the Avatar of wizards and healers. The Antler Beast: This Avatar takes the form of many different creatures of the wild, but one thing is always the same. The head is always just the skull of the creature and never the full head. Avatar of nature and the hunt. Normally the avatar of druids, scouts, and archers.


Member Role Title
Galirond EagleEye Member
Havardii Member
Kharne Lord High Priest
Skarr Strongpaw Member
Stilton Member
Throlkar D. Blackwood Member
Wolf Izmark Lord War Priest