House Venus

Name: House Venus
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: House Venus is focused around women’s spaces, safety, and acknowledgment in Amtgard, along with general support and fellowship. The house may also be good for belting opportunities when it comes to office, crafting, etc. or organizing craft nights/get togethers in general (Bardics, barbecues, RP nights, whatever members are interested in.) on top of brainstorming ways and activities to support women in Amtgard (more Valkyrie tournaments/fighter’s practices, possibly a women’s/non-binary event/retreat, etc.) It’s open to all women/feminine oriented folks (for those that are non-binary or gender fluid, it is up to them if they are interested in joining a feminine oriented house). Another aspect of the house that is offered is a focus on fighting/training to those who are interested.
History: House Venus was formed during the Spring of 2023. It was founded by Shield Maiden Faelien and has since expanded its leadership to include Page, Woman at Arms Arcturus and Yrene - forming the tri-leaders of House Venus.


Member Role Title
Arcturus Tri-Leader
Faelien Founder/Tri-Leader
Yrene Tri-Leader