Twilight Guard

Name: Twilight Guard
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: The Twilight Guard dedicate ourselves to the protection, service, and honor of the Barony of Twilight Peak. As guardians of the night, our loyalty is unyielding, our resolve unbreakable. To those who seek our services, know that the Twilight Guard are ever ready to answer the call. To the foes of Twilight Peak, be forewarned; we stand vigilant, ever watchful in the shadows. Our blazon is: per chevron wavy Azure and Sable, an owl closed Argents, and two sabres Argent.\r\n
History: The Barony of Twilight Peak, nestled within the Kingdom of Nine Blades, has long been a realm of mystery and intrigue. It was here that Saphrax, a noble warrior with a vision, founded the Twilight Guard. Inspired by the twilight that bathes our beloved barony, our company was formed with a singular purpose: to safeguard its lands and people. Our origins, steeped in dedication and honor, continue to guide our path forward.


Member Role Title
ICHO Member Strategos
Saphrax Captain Captain