The Grim

Name: The Grim
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: The alliance of chosen undead of the Razorhills.
History: After the invention of the Phylactery Well, undeath is now within reach of all those who should seek it. The gates of death will no longer be shut.\r\nAfter the alliance of the original four Grim Lords, Razorhills is now a haven for those who choose a darker path to eternal life and limitless power, and who wish to be apart of a new community focused on the advancement of an individuals potential through, science, magic, art, and when necessary, war. The only true rule is you must make your death worth the it. No matter the cost.


Member Role Title
James Blackwater Member Grim
Karisz Owlten Member Grim
Norrrr Member Grim
Rovno Lord Grim Lady
Sesha Argyris Member Grim
Torak Lord Grim Lord
Torgon Member Grim