Ba'Dan Villa

Name: Ba'Dan Villa
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: Ba'Dan Villa is a household for supporting RP activities in the GVRD. Based at Seaside Keep, Ba'Dan Villa members look to further questing, garb and character development.
History: Founded by the second son of Lord Rochester, Ba'Dan Villa was a smaller manor house built on the eastern fringes of the town of Seaside Keep. The Villa looks to offer a safe haven for adventurers, craftsman and travelers to the lands. The households primary goals are growing the community, fighting back against the goblins and bandits of the land, and helping people in the area to build up their personal story.


Member Role Title
Arcacius Captain Master of Irons
Glooper Captain Archivist
Hasting Lord Lord
Osbern Member Retainer
Sinecwid Captain Court Entertainer
Xilagrif Captain Court Wizard