
Name: Medusa
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: Company colors: Green, Blue, & Black Company Hierarchy: Oracle - The chosen person to lead the company and plan Medusa meetings/gatherings. Strategos - The 2nd in command, and record keeper of the Medusa. Hoplite: A Hoplite is a full member. They have voting rights in all company matters, as well as being eligible for the positions of Oracle and Strategos. Auxiliary: An Auxiliary is a person with intent to join Medusa that either does or does not currently meet the requirements for full membership, but it is understood that when the Auxiliary meets (or already has met) the company requirements, they or another Medusa may call for a vote on their behalf, to be had at the next event where a majority of the company is present. Auxiliary Requirements An Auxiliary must presently be at 3 consecutive awards or more in any of the ladder categories. An Auxiliary should attend two events/gatherings with Medusas, prior to their induction being voted on. An Auxiliary may wear all the colors of Medusa but may not have any of the Medusa logos until they are made full members. Voting for Company Positions: During the start of the first reign of the year, a vote will proceed to elect two individuals for the duration of that one year period to the positions of Oracle & Strategos respectively. The individual acting as Oracle will plan and lead meetings. The Strategos will handle votes and record keeping. The candidate with the majority vote will take office. Removal from Medusa If a Hoplite or Auxiliary should require removal, a petition may be brought to the Strategos or Oracle. There will then be a closed vote among the Hoplites. Removal requires a 2/3rd vote. Should an individual be removed in this way, they will be informed for the reasons of removal and have their access restricted from all Company groups/pages. Medusa Constellations: The group(s) in which members are sorted, depending on their preferences as players. Each Constellation behaves like a different "Zodiac" in a sense and full members may be in any number of Constellations. Apollo Constellation - For Hoplite artists & crafters seeking to improve their craft. Ares Constellation - For Hoplites dedicated to honing their combat prowess. Athena Constellation - For Hoplites interested in honing their overall battlegame, combat & game strategy prowess. Zeus Constellation - For Hoplites following the path of leadership & service. Arete Constellation - For the Auxiliary players pursing full membership as a Hoplite in the company.


Member Role Title
Tiana Sidoriak Tzimisce Captain Founder