The Amtgardinati

Name: The Amtgardinati
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: The Amtgardinati is a household of experienced individuals who are willing to advise, train or teach the less experienced. Those things can range from combat skills to how to conduct and run in a particular position. Examples would be how to do a monarchy position and have it conform to the corpora, running a Guild Master position or even how to host an A&S event or fighter practice. Our focus is to teach others and help standardize processes across the whole of Amtgard, and to act as teachers and advisors for those who need us.
History: This household started in the Kingdom of Dragonspine in 2022.


Member Role Title
Alucard Draconis Member
Devric Stormcrest Captain
Elora Elendil Captain
Kodiak Dragonsteel Captain
Lila von Weiss Member
Nacoochee Mother Hen Member
Satin Silverblade (Waverunner) Lord Founder
Stillhet Vrede Ringabel Captain
Tarmak Silverblade (or) Kamar Silverblade Lord Founder