Centzon Totochtin

Name: Centzon Totochtin
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: The Centzon Totochtin or (400 Drunken Rabbits) are a Jovious gathering of rabbit spirits and those who allow themselves to be taken under their influence. Hailing from the mysterious southern land\'s, stories and legends tell of mischievous Fea like rabbit spirits that spread cheer and joy throughout the land\'s now these tales have grown few and scattered but it is said you may still channel and summon one of these wild wonderers with the power of good tidings and adventure.those who say they have encounter one of their members speak of their dedication to helping those new to the realm!!
History: The rabbits and their disciples where brought to the realm by Atl Lapin the Traveler mainly based on Northreach they have now spread across the realms from the sunny shores of Neverwinter to the icy cold wonderlands of Northreach and beyond.


Member Role Title
Ado of Cavia Member Guinea Pig
Baron Cassius Ramskull Member Goat
Chieftain Arthas Frostgrave Member Wolf
Crimson Tairias Member Wolf
Don Atl'Lapin Lord Rabbit
Ellena Hammerfrost Ferngrove Member Bunny
Hatter The Bee'Vali Member Bee
Helenia Member Bunny
Kaju Dawn Member Desciple
Lady Paragon Katara the Exile, Unbroken. Captain Rabbit
Mallaithe Member Disciple