Bulldog Brigade

Name: Bulldog Brigade
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: "I'd rather die with honor , than live without". This being our company motto pretty much says everything about us. Each member of the company is honorable on the field as well as off, WE DO NOT BACK STAB and it will not be tolerated in our company. We have been able to pick up a lot of great members along the way and hope to recruite many more as the days pass.
History: The Bulldog Brigade was formed Feb. 07' because we all got tired of being a part of the Mob! We won our first Company Battle and GE 9 and hope there will be many more victories to come!


Member Role Title
Crazy Member
Isawa Tadaka Member Sgt
Katalina Member Pup
Lord Kaludon Member Captain
Lord Squire Strife Shadowmoon Member Pup
Rengard Member Pup
Rowan Member Pup
Sabian Member Pup
Steve Member Pup