Hydras Haven

Name: Hydras Haven
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: A small village sitting at the base of the mountain range separating Ravenstone and Lupine Moon. Deep within the Blackwood, the town of Hydra\'s Haven is welcome to anyone who loves a good drink and equally good company.\r\nA great Hydra sleeps above the town within dwarven ruins buried deep into the mountain. Hence the name of the town.
History: We of Hydra\'s Haven foster Role-play in the various aspects of Amtgard. On the Battlefield, Off the Battlefield and Online.\r\n\r\nFind out more about us and our lore here!\r\nhttps://www.worldanvil.com/w/hydra27s-haven-malic-litera


Member Role Title
Malic Litera Lord Haven Alchemist
Trippy Two Shoes Captain Haven Guard Captain