Hounds of Ulstier

Name: Hounds of Ulstier
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: Hounds of Ulstier is a Amtgard based LARP household. Members of Winter\'s Edge. We intend to spread knowledge and comradery among our friend and companions! Come run with our pack, listen to the howl of the group, and enjoy the company of the Hounds.\r\n
History: Each hound came from a different place and different backgrounds. They each had their own beginnings and each will have their own end. Some will leave and some will stay, but regardless of what happens a hound is a hound through and through. They shall protect each other regardless of their personal allegiance. We as the hounds of Ulstier shall forever pledge our allegiance to the land of Amtgardia and show people its beauty. So let us stand as a symbol of true loyalty to every one of our members and a symbol of friendship to those that are not. Let the hounds howl and be free!


Member Role Title
Aki Member
Arus Varen the Drunk Member
Captain Tali Chesh Captain Ceannasei
Catty KitKat Member
Cid Incarnate Captain Ceannasei
Dazzle Member
Dragonlord Faust SilverScale the Drunk Lord Founder, Ceannasei
Dreadlord Egare Von Thondarsson Member
Lady Bug Member
Lady Minx Sevoneighnyne Member
Va\'Taar Member
Willow Chesh Captain Ceannasei