House Vilkas

Name: House Vilkas
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: In battle you can always hear a member of House Vilkas before you see them; their wolflike battle-cry and habit of laughing in fights heralds their approach from a fair distance away.\r\nThey are known for practicality and strategic planning, and will actually consider fighting a waste of time and energy unless there is something significant to be gained from it. However, once a battle is joined a Vilkas revels in bloodshed. The common mindset seems to be \"If we can\'t avoid this, we may as well have fun with it.\" This bizarre mixture of diplomacy and brutality makes members of this House very hard to predict.\r\nThis dual nature is also present in their code of honor. House Vilkas considers cowardice to be the most unpardonable of sins, but also considers a retreat to be a wise tactic. They are loyal and generous, treating comrades as their own family, but if a friend betrays them or fights for their enemies they can cut them down without remorse or regret. They are calm and stoic during peacetime but laugh cheerily when surrounded by battle. Despite this, they are genuine and honest and see no conflict between their actions.\r\nEvery Vilkas strives for making their life an ideal balancing act between gentleness and savagery.\r\nPlayers who claim membership in this House have the added ability to transform into a Wolf (see Dor un Avathar for abilities and traits) when certain conditions are met.
History: The Vilkas family line has been around since ancient times, formed from a merging between a Scottish tribe of warrior kings and a small Lithuanian band of wandering wolf-folk. Although most modern members have lost the abilities of the Great Wolves, cultivating a similarity to the heraldic beast is encouraged. House Vilkas has a history of remaining neutral in political conflicts, but fighting savagely when personal freedoms are threatened.


Member Role Title
Ariel Vilkas Lord Founder