House of the Dead

Name: House of the Dead
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: This household is closed off to all except those who became reborn as vampires under Vlad the Butcher's blood pact. It is an Rp group that took on the roles of playing some of the most twisted villains the Shire of Ravenwing has ever seen. The household has long since become inactive, but those who forged it still hold a strength in their past together. Many of the members still have their original blood ribbon ( a red ribbon worn around wrist or neck as a sign of being in the house). "Once a member, always a member"
History: The House of the Dead was founded by Vlad as a means to further the "perfection" of undeath. Quickly his new minions became his close freinds and allies in the struggle against Sheriff Luther and the Shire. The House of the Dead was the main enemy in the first Raven's Call quest and has held up it's name in infamy against forces of Wolven Fang and Ravenwing, but were eventually defeated and cast into the darkness. As the years went on, betrayals became evident and the other members soon lost interest in the original goal and went their own seperate ways; leaving Vlad by himself in his purpose and the betrayer Pablo (Eohnni) the only "active" members in the house.


Member Role Title
EOHNNI VonWolf Member
Krieger Member
Nailo Galanodel Member
Page Phaedre Member
Qeth Member
Sigma Member