
Name: Raven
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: the house Raven is a house of flurbtastic proportions. we would rather take a death than break character. we coach and encourage other players in the creation of personas and development of backstorys. for the parks we create quests and battle games that help people get into the role-playing aspects of amtgard.
History: the house Raven started in Thor\'s refuge in Sacramento California. it came about in 2010.\r\nit spread to Sunset Cliffs in San Diego California. then on to Siar Geata in Carlsbad California. most recently the house flag flys at Terra de Votum in Las Vegas Nevada.


Member Role Title
Collin MacAbee Member
Kalandra Mirdain Member
Lady Squire Tamara MacAbee Member
Ponto Hornblower Member
Raven (TDV) Lord Founder
UpMihr D. Beanslaw Member