The Army of The Veil

Name: The Army of The Veil
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: We are The Army of The Veil. Rebels outshined \nand forgotten about in society. We Fight to\nprotect the thin veil that hides the seen\nand the unseen. Our only threat and enemy\nis F.E.A.R those who demand our rebel army\nto conform and not be ourselves. We answer\nto our lords and leaders The Prophet,\nThe Deviant, The Mystic, The mourner,\nand The Destroyer.
History: The world shook and rumbled with great\nferocity as it erupted into flame.\nThe sky turned blood red and suddenly\nburst into flame. The seas turned the \ncolor of blood and boiled from the \ntears of the forgotten and fallen.\nF.E.A.R had thought they won and brought the \nrebels to their knees and a flash of\nlightning lit the sky up and the fallen\nangels awoke. The prophet encouraged us\nto fight back and not lay down our arms.\nHe led four other fallen angels The five\nfought for us and after the smoke cleared \nwhere a pile of smoldering ash laid something\nawaken The Army of The Veil. Soldiers to\ncarry on the fight Against F.E.A.R as\nthere brave leaders left the world imparting\nthese final words Rise up and never give in.


Member Role Title
Lynnavaius Aldea'ron Captain Co-founder
Rune Archaedus Lord Founder