Victorious Secret

Name: Victorious Secret
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: Victorious Secret is a household for women in amtgard who enjoy the game of jugging. We are not geared specifically at fighters, but at any woman who wants to play in a jugging match. In a game that is known for its aggressive and violent nature, Victorious Secret strives to help women feel comfortable on any amtgard field, regardless of skill level.
History: Victorious Secret was formed in 2010 We had teams play in the Jugging tournaments at Rakis of 2010, 2011 as well as Clan of 2013 We have always been met with great crowd support for the women on the field, and at the Gathering of the Clans 2013 VS had by far the most entertaining match, ending with a score of 7-5 and a count of 262 stones


Member Role Title
anonymously insubstantial Member
Iyra Greycat Iceni the Mechanical Member
Lil' Miss Locks Tittays Derriere Member
Phydeaux Member
Raion no Tepposette Member
Selve the Awesome Socks Member
Shenanigans McAwesomepants Member
Suki Member
Swift Member