Red Cohort

Name: Red Cohort
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: A company that has often been compared to a guard, they are the warriors who live in and fight for Fort MacNeil. These brave men and women fight under the banner of Lord Gavin MacNeil to keep the peace in Wildgard and protect the innocent.
History: Formed at the founding of Fort MacNeil, they guard the walls of the the fort and patrol the roads of Wildgard to keep the areas around the fort safe. As such, they are one of the fastest rising military powers in Wildgard.


Member Role Title
Alex Member Spearman
Aria Bellamina Member Assassin
Erdrick Member Spearman
Erotema Member Recruit
Gavin MacNeil Member Commander
Idina Doc Member Healer
Kjartan Stormsword Member Swordsman
Lukis Meme Queen Vinterhelm Member Spearman
Orfaorix Member Assassin
Skullest Member Assassin
The Captain Member Swordsman
Thea Member Druid
Trogdor Member Spearman