Sterling Dogs

Name: Sterling Dogs
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: Fraternity, Loyalty, Fervor The Sterling Dogs is a company of fighters brought together by the love of the game, a feeling of fraternity, and most importantly of all, a sense of family and loyalty to one another. The company was started from the disillusioned members of other companies looking for someplace where they could feel like they belonged and could accomplish something important. We have a sister company, The Hunt, that we operate with in battle.
History: The Sterling Dogs are a fighting company originally based in the Kingdom of Dragonspine. Over the years we have expanded to The Empire of the Iron Mountains, The Kingdom of the Golden Plains, The Kingdom of the Wetlands, and The Celestial Kingdoms. The Sterling Dogs were started in July 2000 by Arch Duke Sir Ironpaw Lightfoot nav’ Nox and Duke Sir Feral Lynn Hammersong. We started out as a Viking based company but over the years we have added Japanese personas, fantasy persona, and many others. Now we are what can only be called an Amtgard company with as singular mix of persona, personalities, and people.


Member Role Title
Balbazack Member Dog
Esuom aph\'Taed Member Dog
Exodus Member Pledge
Feral Lynn Member Bard
Francis of Ravensholm Member Sergeant
Grave Digger Member Dog
Ironpaw Lightfoot Nav Nox Member Captain
Karl The Viking Member Sergeant
Kie Member Sergeant
Marius Member Pledge
Pollux Lightchild Penitent Member Dog
Rhiannon Blackhorse Member Dog
Shadow Silverblade Member Dog
Tajsen Quintessa Member Dog