
Name: T'nirgilesti
Type: Household
Url: Website
Description: We are a household built on the intent to assist new players and old players alike with getting garb, weapons, as well as learning the rules of the game.
History: Our household was started in the early 90's and has since then been a fairly active household with in the Duchy of Irongate as well as several other groups.


Member Role Title
Bear Member
Bruno Hartog Member
Dragon Member
Dragonbeast Member
Ebrion Keats Member
Firefly Member
Holgar Coldfire Member
Korpus Festerheart Member
Rapunzel Stormcrow Sablewolf Member Lady
Ravensblood Member
Rothgar Tobias Blackskull Member
Sir Arminius the Pale-Skinned Member
Sir Hern Sablewolf Member Chieftan
The Nameless Member
Tir\'Mac Sablewolf Member
Vehmous Darklighter Member
Whiskey Telemasca Member
Wyn Member