Order of the Trident

Name: Order of the Trident
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: The Order of the Trident is a mercenary group of soldiers that primarily hunts and destroys Drow or black elves, the founder of the organazation is Master Pollarm Gareth Drowslayer, who entire family was wiped out by them and is slowly becoming a monster himself. Ravion Santail is a member of a race known as the Dalari, they are a rare faction of elves that is nearly extinct, Ravion being the last know living member, he is currently Lord of Fury's Shield located in the barbarian lands of The Burning Wheel. Levithion is a dark ranger, who enjoys causing chaos everywhere he goes, his location is usually unknown but he makes appearances frequently to keep his repuation active.
History: The Order of the Trident had been in existance for over ten years, Its members have survived the Drow Wars, barely and shifted alignment so many time, you never know if they will kill you or help you when you see one, It is more accurately a brotherhood, until recently if any of its members were to meet on the battlefield they would greet each other and move onto the next target, however recent events have nearly severed the once feared and respected order, Gareth, now a member of a group called The Heroes, is destroying any and all who get into his way, on a cleansing campaign to eridacate the land of all taint, Ravion, being the Lord of Fury's Shield is in direct path of the Heroes, and has informed Gareth that his current actions are wrong and if they meet on the field it will be for the final time. Levithion, also a member of The Heroes, is assisting in the slaughter by day and building a resistance against The Heroes by night.


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