Golden Horde

Name: Golden Horde
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: (OOC) The Golden Horde was founded just so a group of friends could fight together and call themselves a company. Since then our group of friends has grown a little. We do not exept members because they can fight well, we exept them if they can fight well with us. (RP) We The Golden Horde are on the rise once again to strike fear into our enemys and take back what is rightfully ours! The World! We are giving a call to arms to all who think they deserve more in the world, help us reclaim it! --Rajjin Vailor Altan-Khan of The Golden Horde (ooc) Our Goals: #1: Chill, fight, and have fun! #2: To reclaim what was once ours, The World! #3: To Strike fear in all who oppose. --Rajjin Vailor Co-Captain of The Golden Horde
History: The Golden Horde was Founded in October 2005 by Rajjin Vailor, Blank Elnino, and Karasu within the Shire of Nightwood (blackspire)


Member Role Title
Blank Elnino Member Altan-Khan (Co-Captain) 1
Eaak Member Raider 10
Ellie Member Raider 10
Karasu Member Altan-Khan (Co-Captain) 1
Mesquito Member Initiate
Rajjin Vailor Member Altan-Khan (Co-Captain) 1