
Name: Mandalorian
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: We fight for justice and death.
History: In the recent past, three guys in an apartment couldn't get rid of a flurb in the messy room near the entrance. After many rounds of Pirates, Zombies!!, and Crunk-a-dunk weekends, Three Ditch Monkeys and a Godzookie became House Mandalore, dedicated to bettering Amtgard through sheer force of will -- except for Zulugard Wednesdays. House Mandalore debuted at Dragon's Rage in 2004 where they were soundly tromped by Blackstar which is no surprise because Blackstar is incredibly awesome and no one could hope to be as excellent as them. In the present day they continue their sterling record of never helping serve a meal at an event.


Member Role Title
Aesir Gryffindor Pantihands the Stunning Member
Green Day Member
Lando Member
Shyrt Member