Nordic Nomads

Name: Nordic Nomads
Type: Company
Url: Website
Description: The Nordic Nomads believe in Dedication and thus when a player shows dedication they are to be voted in and sponsored as an Adventurer where their loyalty and dedication are to be tested. At a this point the sponsor Nomad will watch the Adventurer until they feel ready to give them a final trial to become a Nomad.
History: Formed in the winter of 2010 in the city of Edmonton Alberta, Adorth and Dassureth two adventurers from the eastern part of the canuck Tundra in Ontario formed this Fighting company and brought in those willing and worthy to hold the Nomad name. The company was born to support growth, growth in each other as growth in one self, through this growth comes confidence as it is believed with great confidence one can be a great leader or a great fighter or even a craftsman. Which ever the reason, each member can rely that the other Nomad would be there to watch his or her back in what ever challenge they choose to take on. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Nordic Nomads\r\n\" We believe in support and dedication. We support the growth of each Nomad. We are not always together but we are bound by respect. When called, we answer. We help each other grow to become the leaders and people of our world. We may often be alone, but we are never completely alone. We are a family that shares this goal. The meaning of being a Nomad may be your own, but the ultimate goal is the same in all of us: Support, Dedication, Family. We are Nomads! Nordic Nomads received their first Order of the Flame in January 2012


Member Role Title
Baronetess Adelae Verdenwylde Member Nomad
Hendra Member Adventurer
Lacena Garnovich Member Nomad
Minos, The Raging Bull, Bloodhorn Member Nomad
Saverio Cavallino Member Adventurer
Sir Tristan Garnovich Member Nomad