Kingdom Awards

Kingdom Park Persona Award Rank Date Entered By
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Alara Order of the Dragon 1 2018-08-04 Baumusa
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Dragon 1 2018-08-18
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Tripod Order of the Dragon 1 2018-05-19 Baumusa
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Blackheart Stormblade Order of the Lion 1 2018-11-10 Draven
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Draven Order of the Owl 1 2018-08-04 Baumusa
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Owl 3 2019-08-17 Sir Gillie
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Owl 1 2018-08-04 Baumusa
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Owl 2 2019-08-03 Draven
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Blackheart Stormblade Order of the Rose 1 2018-08-04 Baumusa
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Loki Order of the Rose 1 2018-08-04 Baumusa
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Rose 3 2019-11-02 Squib
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Rose 1 2019-03-02 Mykil CoI
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Skeeve Garthos-Stormblade Order of the Rose 1 2018-05-19 Baumusa
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Blackheart Stormblade Order of the Smith 1 2019-08-03 Draven
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Smith 1 2018-08-18
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Smith 2 2019-08-03 Draven
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Narcius Order of the Warrior 1 2018-08-18
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Warrior 1 2018-05-19 Baumusa
The Freeholds of Amtgard Ravenshurst Rehgar Order of the Warrior 2 2018-11-10 Draven