Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
AttA Raxia Order of the Smith 8 2022-07-17 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui For holding a shield construction class and donating all materials used for the seven people who participated
Bain Thunder Throw Paragon Barbarian 10 2021-09-10 Grainmag Everfrost Mercades Bain ha shown that he takes the look the part to the highest degree for barbarian. his demeanor on field, garb, and even his weapons of choice scream barbarian to me. he has also shown a deep understanding of the class and always takes time and is open to learning new things with barbarian.
Lady Jae Order of the Garber 8 2023-11-14 AttA Raxia Rookies knighting tunic