Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Badgerbird Wren Paragon Color 2023-09-05 Kyuzo They do every single thing that is color and they do it well and memorably. They are always the first to volunteer, are always working on their garb, are always around to RP and onboard new players. They personify the very spirit of everything that is amtgard that is not fighting. They ARE what color is.
Kyuzo Master Smith 2023-09-07 Tobias Thalonius III Kyuzo was a co-warcrat for the first full weekend relic quest. This involved organizing NPCs, funds, kingdom assets, transportation, crats, and building a 6 hour quest
Kyuzo Master Smith 10 2024-10-22 Legendary Hero Enodus Solus Kyuzo has worked extremely hard on making quests be fun engaging for everyone. They have put countless hours in to their work and I believe this is well deserved
Kyuzo Order of the Rose 8 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood Hydration crat end reign 73 with lots of personal touches kept everyone warm.
Rat Order of the Mask 6 2024-10-30 Kyuzo For the portrayal of Lorn in the Quest for Seige 2024 and constantly being in character as the Mad Evangelist of the Church of the Honey Badger
Rotz the Ogre Order of the Mask 6 2024-10-30 Kyuzo For the portrayal of Enoch in the Quest for Seige 2024 and constantly being in character as The Ogre and Chronicler of the Church of the Honey Badger
Rotz the Ogre Order of the Mask 6 2024-10-22 Legendary Hero Enodus Solus Rotz did an excellent job as a RP character making the guest fun and engaging for me.
Rotz the Ogre Order of the Mask 6 2024-10-25 Varenon Played a fun, immersive character in the Siege quest, maintaining their character throughout the quest, even when tired.
Varenon Order of Battle 6 2024-10-20 Rotz the Ogre For excellent battlefield prowess and use of skills as a healer