Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Cygnus Dufea Master Rose 2022-12-11 Orcfather Yawp Khan the Banished Since he's got plenty of 10th recommendations from the last event I'll go ahead and start the push for his master rose. He has done it again after endreign and this has been consistent behavior with him since he's come back after covid closures. He's clearly deserving of both 10th and master.
Cygnus Dufea Master Rose 2023-11-14 Kenta Redhawk Feastocrat extraordinaire, has executeseveral of the best feaststhis kingdom has had in years
Cygnus Dufea Master Rose 2023-11-15 Lady Mysteri Despite suffering from a back injury Cygnus was able to organize 4 meals for Siege. Preparing all the meats, pulling together a team of wonderful people who committed themselves to insuring that we ran a 'clean kitchen'- doing our best to avoid possible allergic reactions.
Cygnus Dufea Master Rose 1 2023-11-09 Kevetor Xaris Let's get this man the recognition he deserves and give him his masterhood already. He made a phenomenal feast crat for Siege and all of the meals went off without a hitch
Cygnus Dufea Order of the Mask 1 2023-02-26 Zanatos Shadowmane His performance as Michael the Arch Angel during the Relic Quest was fantastic. A very fitting performance
Cygnus Dufea Order of the Mask 2 2023-05-30 Amser Displaying a fun persona and RP during court for Midreign 70
Lady Mysteri Master Rose 2023-11-14 Kenta Redhawk Years of service at events, such as "mystery bags" found in bathrooms and cabins at last several events
Lady Mysteri Master Rose 2023-10-26 Cygnus Dufea Plain and simple. She is a Master Rose in every way that matters.
Lady Mysteri Master Rose 10 2023-11-14 Kenta Redhawk Years of service at events at w
Lady Mysteri Order of the Mask 2 2023-02-26 Zanatos Shadowmane For her performance at Relic Quest at RK as Mazikeen leader of the Hellhounds
Nevron DreadStar Master Mask 10 2022-10-11 TuK! Uziel All in all Sir Nevron is an OLE School Role Player. Dread Knight and Anti Paladins. He plays them to the T. I believe in all his years of this he deserve a Masterhood for this.