Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Alphonse de Oso Master Dragon 2023-07-02 Shroudstar Body of work, giving tips on the kingdom page for how to make bardics fantastic, interkingdom recognition
Armek Dark Labrys Lord 2022-11-13 Orcfather Yawp Khan the Banished Monarch of HP for years
Armek Dark Labrys Master Rose 1 2023-11-09 Kevetor Xaris Armek worked as our site crat for Siege and demonstrated exactly what every single site crat should be. I did not receive one complaint about supplies being needed in any of the bathrooms and there were no tasks left undone when we closed down site after the event concluded.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of Battle 9 2023-06-13 Manly Armek was a force to be reckoned with at end reign 70. during the 2nd day of field battles despite having suffered a leg injury the day before, He single handedly held off a big portion of the enemy team as a healer no less! This man deserves this due to his calm collective decisions and effectiveness on the battlefield.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Garber 1 2023-09-26 Revna Bloodaxe made a tunic it, didnt even blow up once.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Lion 2 2023-06-15 Seph Jethaniel Armek possesses a natural leadership, whether it's on the field or not.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Lion 3 2023-06-15 Seph Jethaniel Armek was Facilities Crat for Endreign 70.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Lion 4 2024-01-11 Tobias Thalonius III Security Crat for inaugeral EH Seige
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Lion 5 2024-01-11 Tobias Thalonius III Security crat for endreign 71, and did a great job. Nothing happened.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Rose 10 2023-09-26 Revna Bloodaxe setup tear down midreign 71, security crat, offered up his cabin for anyone to stay at, every people she didnt know well for free.
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Smith 3 2023-11-08 Sir Garrick Kershaw Fieldcraft
Armek Dark Labrys Order of the Smith 4 2023-11-08 Sir Garrick Kershaw Fieldcraft
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Assassin 2021-11-28 Celestia Moonblossom This is what his character is well known for. He was GM of Assassins for multiple years at kingdom level and coordinated court assassinations. He plays an excellent bow and flo assassin and uses his abilities to their full extent.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Druid 2021-11-28 Celestia Moonblossom He is not only great with his ranger build, but he does fantastic druid team builds too. It is one of the classes people specifically ask him to play on their team.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Druid 2023-02-23 Ouranos Long overdue. Whether I'm rolling my own Paragon class or a different one, which build of druid he's playing can radically alter strategy I have my team use. He actually uses his abilities, and does so tactically AND strategically, something a lot of players with paragons don't.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Druid 1 2021-11-28 Kodi Redhawk for years, every time i have played with this man at kingdom or IK events, he has almost exclusively played druid because thats just what we needed to get the win. he has a list for nearly every game scenario, and any time someone has a question regarding the class, they ask armek. i feel his paragon here is considered long overdue
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Warrior 2021-11-29 Ice Of Redhawk His warrior class is a beast. when he is on the other side of a game in tank mode, you better watch out. paragon this guy
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 2021-11-29 Ice Of Redhawk The point and click wizard is his bread and butter. he wrecks people and games with his mastery
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 2024-02-06 Sir Garrick Kershaw Plays wizard good
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 2021-11-28 Celestia Moonblossom Literal paragons have asked him why he does not have this yet. He has played point and click and obliterated entire teams. He has played shut down lists that have rendered people incapable of playing. He knows just about every spell combination by heart.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 2023-09-26 Zobah the Seeker Armek displays class knowledge and skill in proper utilization of his abilities in an effective manner in the field and is worthy of a paragon Wizard title.
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 1 2021-11-28 Kodi Redhawk many of my own recent wizard lists take inspiration from this guy and what he can do as a wizard, if you havent seen him play a battlemage list just know he is a true force to be feared
Armek Dark Labrys Paragon Wizard 10 2025-01-25 Jordan Redhawk Armek is a terrifying menace on the field as a wizard. His mastery of spells is REALLY annoying to deal with when he's in the zone, and as a Paragon Wizard myself, he definitely deserves it.
Blueberry Order of the Rose 1 2023-08-27 Shroudstar Even though they were unable to make it, Blueberry did volunteer to be an NPC at the first weekend Relic Quest. Their inability to make it was beyond their control, and they were an eager volunteer.
Carric Shadowstalker Order of the Rose 3 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood help with battle games and end reign 73
Corey Elric Marsel Order of the Rose 6 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood helping at end reign 73
Corey Elric Marsel Paragon Wizard 10 2021-11-26 Kodi Redhawk while not always active in the class, he has shown mastery and knowledge of the class. he is responsible for buildcrafting lists that the JC's use to great effect in kingdom and IK battlegames. his on-field threat as a wizard is that of quick decision making for a maximum tactical advantage at key moments
Gator Stormtossed Order of the Lion 1 2024-09-01 Forge Stormborn Leadership in preparation for the 3d Siege of Sandbass Point
Jordan Redhawk Battlemaster 2023-09-25 Sir Garrick Kershaw An absolute force on any field and being able to effectively run several classes effectively
Jordan Redhawk Master Owl 2024-05-29 Sir Garrick Kershaw MY AMAZING KNIGHTS BELT!!!!
Jordan Redhawk Master Rose 1 2023-11-09 Kevetor Xaris Jordan is sorely overlooked for some recognition through no fault of the Kingdom. Many do not know, but the Justibar was able to operate and provide midnight munchies thanks in no small part to Jordan donating funds towards this endeavor.
Jordan Redhawk Order of the Crown 3 2024-12-21 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Service to MWG as an officer
Jordan Redhawk Order of the Dragon 1 2025-01-19 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Used a really cool idea to make a non traditional Master Rose scroll in the form of a leather band around a gigantic stein. I love non traditional scroll and can't wait to see more
Jordan Redhawk Order of the Smith 5 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood ran battle games that where very well received at end reign 73
Jordan Redhawk Paragon Healer 2023-09-25 Sir Garrick Kershaw A healing fiend. Always keeps his allies up and in the fight
Kenta Redhawk Battlemaster 10 2021-11-26 Armek Dark Labrys Been in the game since 5th edition. Watched him lead groups of newer players and younger players and take objectives over objective. From tactically taking key spots in games to kill major threatening enemies using teams of experience and non experience fighters
Kenta Redhawk Battlemaster 10 2021-12-05 Kevetor Xaris Too many reasons to list in this character count so I'll just say this: Kenta was the first person I encountered within Amtgard battlegaming. He consistently lead the charge and organized units of players to complete objective at Kingdom level events. Without a doubt he embodies what a battlemaster knight should aspire to be
Kenta Redhawk Battlemaster 10 2021-11-24 Ice Of Redhawk He is a leader of troops, a leader of new players, and a designer of games. He is the guy that takes a squad of players and beats the objectives, new or old. He is the sneaky guy that finds the weakness in your game. He Should Be the EH KNIGHT OF BATTLE
Kenta Redhawk Knight of Battle 2023-01-19 Darkson I've grown up watching this man rock fields and helped newbies when learning classes. He exemplifies in my opinion of what it means to be a Battlemaster and a Knight of Battle.
Kenta Redhawk Knight of Battle 10 2021-11-26 Zacorius For years of battlefield prowess and leading people into battle
Kenta Redhawk Knight of Battle 10 2023-02-26 Rodnik Ferrowell I've witnessed over a decade of superior battlefield leadership from when I started over a decade ago. Kenta is a magnet for getting people involved and strategizing during battlegames.
Kenta Redhawk Order of Battle 10 2021-11-29 Bloodwood T. Pirate Great leader when it comes to team fighting. If it’s not that then he knows his classes and how to work with and against, kenta definitely should be eh first battle knight,
Kenta Redhawk Order of Battle 10 2021-11-26 Kodi Redhawk long history of battlefield leadership and inspiration to new and old players alike. when he rallies the troops, they get results
Kenta Redhawk Paragon Paladin 2021-11-29 Ice Of Redhawk Are you kidding? He is the Paragon Paladin. he is a NICE guy and fights to the goals of right. He is such a White Lighter that i feel dirty as an ANTI Paladin for him not already having the title. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
Kenta Redhawk Paragon Paladin 2021-12-06 Old Coyote Kenta has not only been an example of how a paladin can be played but also will roleplay his paladiness in the middle of games to add flair for everyone involved.
Kestral of Redhawk Battlemaster 2023-09-25 Sir Garrick Kershaw Absolute terror on the battlefield in a number of classes. Definitely deserved
Kestral of Redhawk Order of the Crown 3 2024-12-21 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Kestral deserves his 1-3 crowns for past and present dedicated service to Mourningwood Glen
Kestral of Redhawk Order of the Smith 5 2025-01-21 Einar Blackwood For teaching an excellent class on creating your own armor. I only got to peek in at the class a couple of times but it looked great! One student mentioned creating armor was a lot less daunting now after the class. I got to see a bit of the process and I hope you do it again!
Kodi Redhawk Master Rose 10 2023-12-20 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier For YEARS or dedicated volunteering for social activities and night life. Donating their time and expertise and resources to making highly enjoyable social opportunities. An amazing mixologist who contributes greatly to the overall event experience by providing a safe place for people to socialize, RP, and help people discover all the super cool non alcoholic beverages. MASTER ROSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Kodi Redhawk Master Rose 10 2024-07-08 Bunny Keeping up his title of barkeep at endreign 72, it was hot and the blended drinks were amazing.
Kodi Redhawk Order of the Dragon 4 2025-01-19 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Kodi made me a beautiful wooden chain display for the chain he gifted me, that was also carved wit an inscription, a leafy border and my personal phoenix. He also made a little custom wood burned winter menu for the Justibar
Kodi Redhawk Paragon Color 10 2023-12-20 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Kodi contributes heavily to non combat activities particularly by their YEARS of dedication to night life and social events. They are a big asset to the Emerald Hills and literally the night life activities they have facilitated via Justibar are one of the main reasons I want to go to events.