Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Amon Sai Saika Order of the Rose 5 2023-11-15 Lady Mysteri Siege was his 3rd amtgard event and he spent almost the entire event in the kitchen working all 4 meals, setting up and decorating the feast hall. He did all that was asked and more.
Amon Sai Saika Order of the Rose 5 2023-11-02 Cygnus Dufea For all of his work in the kitchen and serving for Siege feast. This was his third event and he had been ready to help with anything needed at any time.
Arthur the Cleansing Order of the Mask 1 2023-03-24 The Iron Bear His play style is built around his persona with a preference to strike from behind with custom throwies
Bloodwood T. Pirate Battlemaster 2024-11-29 Alexander Blackwood I have bloodwood his most recent paragon. I did not give battle master at that time. I wanted to see something more. I’ve seen it. I’ll keep seeing it as I square up against him. I have seen him work with his unit on the side of sandbass lake. In the trees at howling planes. If there is any complaint I could have a complaint about his battle itis that he is regular doing service I tricked him in 2
Bloodwood T. Pirate Order of the Lion 8 2024-07-16 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Serving a year on the EH BOD
Bloodwood T. Pirate Order of the Lion 8 2024-07-17 Alexander Blackwood Leadership out side his normal job as a member of the board of directors. helping with wisdom gained as kingdom monarch.
Cataclysmic Gladiator Sunny Order of the Griffin 1 2024-08-18 Powerhouse Nemesis Honor in CK Midreign 68 Contest of Champions (Single Sword Category)
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of Battle 5 2021-10-07 Count Rorek Silverlight Recommended along with part of Midnight Sun for fielding and being part of a cohesive team at previous WBW.
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of Battle 5 2024-10-22 Alan De Nimes Chimera is easily qualified for their 5th order of battle. They were consistently one of the most macro-minded people on the battlefield and they always put up a great fight. They deserve recognition for the skill they showed on the battlefield at Siege.
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of Battle 5 2024-08-05 Xucio Malgallus Chimera has shown over a decade worth of skill in battlefield prowess she was not active when people were given orders of the battle for prior skill shown. She does have the skill knowledge and game awareness to be at 5
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Crown 6 2024-10-28 Nettle Exemplary leadership
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Garber 4 2025-01-19 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Well constructed Spiderweb capelet that was lined and trimmed
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Lion 2 2024-12-21 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Chimera is a perfect example of service to an office that is above and beyond the standard. They have put so much work into Kp and improving the park itself, play experience and culture. I hope we continue to honor their contributions to this kingdom so they can shine brighter as they grow
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Lion 10 2024-10-28 Nettle The leadership they've shown in office has encouraged and grown our park in a lot of ways. Finally accomplishing a move to a more sustainable location, building numbers that rival for the most attended park in the entire Kingdom, I could go on.
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Rose 7 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood did a great job helping all over at end reign 73 was on the facilitys team but did much more
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Rose 7 2025-01-20 Bloodwood T. Pirate For running as facility crat at er 73/74. Constantly making sure all the building were being kept and while she was doing that, she found time to help out the feast team which was huge impact for us. She helped prep/serve and clean during the whole event. She definitely went above and beyond in her duties.
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Rose 7 2025-01-20 Fletch Von Drach Facilities Crat at Endreign 73/Coronation 74 and helping beyond the scope of their position.
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Smith 2 2024-10-27 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Creating a whole reign worth of Spider themed games and activities for KP
Chimera, Vessel of Lloth Order of the Smith 5 2024-10-28 Nettle Not kidding with the number on this one. They've crafted an absurd amount of loaner gear including sashes and strips, they have have created unique game mechanics for several battle games, there's no real way to count the number of things that they create for the entire parks to enjoy.
Daisy Master Rose 4 2023-06-15 Lady Mysteri She already had recommendations for 3 so i pushing for 4th. Love seeing all her photography!!
Daygar Order of the Rose 1 2023-11-15 Lady Mysteri Siege was Daygars second event and he stepped up on the kitchen helping to assure meals were served on time even taking on lead on preparing the last meal a stew while Cygnus was tending to an injury to his back. Daygars was cooking or serving at each of the 4 meals served at Siege.
Daygar Order of the Rose 1 2023-11-02 Cygnus Dufea For all of his help with serving and cooking for Siege feast. His second ever event
Drago Atlasson Order of the Garber 1 2023-11-21 Medea Sewing a sash
Drizzt Blackstone Order of the Warrior 1 2022-09-28 Rodnik Ferrowell For improvement and battlefield prowess
Drozzt von Drach Order of the Warrior 1 2023-04-11 Med Why does he not have lvl 1 he is an above average fighter.
Duke Professor Jonah MacNeil Paragon Assassin 2024-07-23 Alexander Blackwood Why arnt you a battle knight? Also stop being sneaky
Finnick Master Rose 3 2022-06-15 Sir KaL ThraX for helping serve and clean up for 4 meals at end reign
Fletch Von Drach Lady 2023-10-31 Alexander Blackwood being a boss at park office. I think she could be higher or lower level title depending on her park size.
Fletch Von Drach Master Rose 6 2022-10-12 Vanthys Up to 6. For helping serve multiple meals at end reign 69. Then helped serve feast and clean up at mid reign 69. Also helped hydro station at mid reign 69.
Fletch Von Drach Order of Battle 9 2023-06-19 Vanthys Being integral to their team's victory in multiple battlegames and showing a deep knowledge of classes and game rules
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Crown 1 2025-01-20 Kail the Elder Did her best to breathe life into the dying ember of Midnight Sun. On days that it was too cold or wet for whacks, she organized game and craft days to keep the populations together and engaged.
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Crown 5 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood weathering the storm and keeping midnight sun going though 5 reigns in a row.
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Dragon 3 2024-02-29 Narcini Demaris Fletch has been doing awesome circlets/bracelets/various bead work. I recommend local monarch award her first, second, and third orders of the Dragon.
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Lion 7 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood auto crated end reign 73 with throlkar and my self as well as keeping midnight sun going till the bitter end.
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Rose 9 2024-11-01 Tobias Thalonius III Fletch stepped up to be Co-Feast Crat about a month out from the event, and immediately stepped into the role with enthusiasm. During the whole event, they were constantly in the kitchen: helping get things cooked, helping getting things prepped, cleaning dishes, serving food, and I’ve probably forgotten something else. They were a key member of the team and while this might not get them their 9th
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Rose 9 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood did tons of rose work wall auto crating end reign 73
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Rose 9 2025-01-20 Bloodwood T. Pirate 9th for sure if not 10th for auto cratting end reign 73/74. Team was picked perfectly and everything ran without a hitch. Constantly walking seeing if others need help.
Fletch Von Drach Order of the Rose 10 2025-01-20 Kail the Elder For Co-Autocrating Endreign 73/Coronation 74. Fletch worked to build a solid crat team, checked in consistently, and was quick to bring answers to light. This was my first time being a crat; both Fletch Von Drach and Alexander Blackwood set a high bar for what I expect from Autocrats in the future.
Forge Stormborn Order of the Crown 10 2023-10-13 Maighred Mezelette And master
Forge Stormborn Paragon Archer 2023-03-21 The Iron Bear The man is a portable turret that you you can forget about until it's too late. Always calls his arrows and is capable of hitting targets from across the field.
Forge Stormborn Paragon Archer 1 2023-02-26 Phoenix Everyone watches out for him as the archer cause he rarely misses lol
Forge Stormborn Paragon Archer 1 2023-02-26 Rodnik Ferrowell An excellent and exceptional archer with dedication to the craft.
Gale Windrunner Order of Battle 9 2022-03-27 Shroudstar Listen, he was hella annoying constantly freezing me because he saw my dang FINGERS above a massive ball. I know this one instance may not be 9th OOB worthy, but I *felt* his presence in any game he was playing, even when he was being playful. Not just in that one game, but in all of them.
Gale Windrunner Order of Battle 9 2023-09-26 Count Stitch I mean honestly, between his actions on the field, in the tournament, and at the axe throwing carnival game (with a staggering 20 gold prize tickets from his skill), his actions at MR71 are a shining example of why 9th Battle is definitely well deserved
Gale Windrunner Order of the Rose 6 2023-10-03 Revna Bloodaxe being excellent by proactive and helping cleaning up a dangerous slipping hazard inside the hall. also helped with the gateshift that wouldnt ever end.
Hendrix Bayne Order of Battle 5 2021-10-07 Count Rorek Silverlight Recommended along with part of Midnight Sun for fielding and being part of a cohesive team at previous WBW.
Jumex Knight of the Crown 3 2023-05-10 Xucio Malgallus Taking care and keeping Midnightsun running when no one else would in 2022
Kail the Elder Order of Battle 5 2025-01-02 Kildaar Elketh Shows strong knowledge of the Druid class. Had a ton of fun fighting him at siege 2024
Kail the Elder Order of the Griffin 3 2024-03-28 Kildaar Elketh Multiple recommendations because of honor shown at 5 and under tourney MR reign 72
Kail the Elder Order of the Griffin 4 2025-01-02 Kildaar Elketh Very honorable on the battlefield
Kail the Elder Order of the Rose 10 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood Kail did gate single handed in end reign 73 as well as doing other good things.
Kail the Elder Order of the Rose 10 2025-01-20 Fletch Von Drach Gate Cratting Endreign 73/Coronation 74 and helping beyond the scope of his position.
Kirei Custom Award 4 2022-10-11 TuK! Uziel HellRider. For still going to Mid Reign after have Staple in her head from a work related injury.
Kirei Order of the Rose 6 2024-07-15 Bloodwood T. Pirate For assisting prep for Sir Bloodwoods feast for Sir Tuks and Sir Kestrals Knightings.
Kirei Order of the Rose 6 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood feast for Tuks knighting
Kirei Order of the Rose 7 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood Feast for Kestrals knighting
Kirei Order of the Rose 8 2025-01-20 Bloodwood T. Pirate Feast Crating Endreign 73/Coronation 74 and previous unrecognized service to the kingdom (I.e.clean up at the come try larp hosted by MWG). During ER 73/74, she help me plan/prep/cook/clean up for both nights of dinners. Her help was the soul success for both meals. Total of over 90+ players fed
Kirei Order of the Rose 8 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood feast and help in other areas at end reign 73
Kirei Order of the Rose 8 2025-01-20 Fletch Von Drach Feast Crating Endreign 73/Coronation 74 and previous unrecognized service to the kingdom (I.e.clean up at the come try larp hosted by MWG)
Landeris Endellion Order of the Dragon 2 2022-06-22 Whitey Macreme belt made for eagleshire a&s tourney june 2022 - really well done and deserving
Landeris Endellion Order of the Mask 3 2023-08-28 Shroudstar As a participant in Relic Quest, Landeris did a great job engaging with NPCs in character, battling, and following quest lines. He was a very effective goblin, even keeping the voice the whole event.
Landeris Endellion Order of the Warrior 3 2024-09-01 Forge Stormborn For excellence on the field and some smooooooth dance move evading incoming projectiles.
Maighred Mezelette Archduchess 1 2022-12-17 Rodnik Ferrowell Mezzie has been a staple in the support of amtgard as a whole, and especially the emerald hills in excess of the last 25 years. Her accomplishments and contributions are among the top within the whole society. I can think of few others that deserve this top honor.
Maighred Mezelette Archduchess 10 2022-10-12 TuK! Uziel Well because She deserves it. Her unwaivering help and is always there if anyone needs it. She never falters, has undieing love for amtgard ( no matter the kingdom), has served as KPM, Park PM, GMKs and has always helped anyone that needed it even when not in those positions. This is true service and deserves the recognised. Thank your for you Service.
Mammalios Lord 1 2023-02-26 Forge Stormborn For successfully service as Baron of Kings Point.
Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Battlemaster 5 2022-09-23 Marquis Baronet Lord Squire Subutai Ulfgar shes a monster on the field and a killer team player on the field
Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Master Garber 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood you can now look at the other master hood she made for Rhadamanthys or Tobias Thelonias The Thirds both are the talk of the kingdom. I particularly enjoyed the phenox
Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Master Garber 2023-12-19 Shroudstar Marceline is at 9 garbers, and made two gorgeous hoods with intricate details. The most phenomenal aspect of this was that these hoods were her first foray into hood-making. The fact that she is able to make gorgeous tunics, amazing cosplays, and then easily translate that into a new type of garber shows her mastery in the subject.
Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Master Garber 1 2023-06-14 Rodnik Ferrowell Marcys sewing is outstanding and unique. Some of her early works left a unique impression on my views on amtgard garbing. I would have assumed she received this honor years ago.
Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Order of the Jovius 5 2023-06-14 Rodnik Ferrowell Marcy is a constant source of good humor and advocate for many players. Her good humor and cheer always brighten up spaces she occupies.
Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Order of the Mask 1 2022-10-12 Amser Creating a full character biography on the EH discord roleplay threads.
Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Squire 10 2023-09-13 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Squire to Glyn Aidan
Muhammed Order of the Warrior 1 2023-06-28 Persephone Marshmallow fighting in ironman tournament on first day out with wins
Myth Lord 1 2022-09-28 Rodnik Ferrowell For long term support and growth of during and through the pandemic.
Myth Order of the Jovius 1 2023-05-12 Forge Stormborn Approaches the field with a sharp with and dry humor. He’s also fully capable of laughing at himself as well, which is always good.
Myth Paragon Wizard 1 2022-09-11 Rodnik Ferrowell When I consider the Wizard class, Myth is a shining example of both knowledge and battlefield efficiency. I believe his dedication to the class, knowledge, performance, and roleplay make him worthy of being a paragon wizard.
Myth Paragon Wizard 1 2023-08-07 Medea Myth is an amazing example of a wizard. From good RP to helping other players understand the class.
Okami Order of the Mask 1 2023-08-28 Shroudstar Okami played the Fire Giant at Relic Quest. He made sure to get his hair done, and to go along with all sorts of shenanigans to mesh well with each adventurers style.
Okami Order of the Rose 4 2023-08-27 Shroudstar Okami volunteered as an NPC for the first weekend Relic Quest.
Persephone Marshmallow Knight of the Crown 1 2023-05-10 Xucio Malgallus Excelling at being a PM for King's Point and taking the burden of being out every day.
Persephone Marshmallow Lady 2023-11-27 Forge Stormborn Excellence in office.
Persephone Marshmallow Order of the Crown 1 2023-06-19 Rodnik Ferrowell For stepping up as PM, being proactive and always ready.
Phoenix Order of the Rose 6 2023-02-26 Forge Stormborn For filming classes and seminars for Dame Mezzie, which were then submitted to park pages across the kingdom. She doesn’t appear in them, nor does she claim any credit for them, but Lady Phoenix was the one behind the camera.
Phoenix Paragon Color 2023-03-21 The Iron Bear Her steadfast presence at Kings Point and willingness to assist or coach wherever possible. Phoenix embodies the Color class to the point where even though she may not garb up or fight, she is still well known and respected
Ragneir Order of the Rose 1 2023-11-15 Lady Mysteri What a way to enter into the world of Amtgard and our Kingdom! Very first time to come out to amtgard and we hide him in the kitchen serving and cooking almost the whole time. He was in the kitchen for all four meals both in preparing and serving each meal. He did such an amazing job and barely stopped working the entire event.
Ragneir Order of the Rose 1 2023-11-02 Cygnus Dufea First time at anything amtgard. Park or event and jumped right in to help with all the cooking for Siege feast.
Rath Order of the Griffin 4 2025-01-02 Kildaar Elketh Strong honor during battlegames and tourneys. Always willing to correct himself if he finds the rules he is following are wrong
Riot Order of the Rose 1 2024-09-01 Forge Stormborn Donations of food for the 3d Siege of Sandbass point
Rodnik Ferrowell Master Griffin 8 2023-02-26 Forge Stormborn To pile on to previous awards, he continues to show honor, humor. D
Rodnik Ferrowell Order of Battle 8 2023-11-06 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Battlefield prowess!! Pew pew pew!!
Rodnik Ferrowell Order of the Dragon 2 2023-02-26 Forge Stormborn For exemplary arrow design and execution with 3d printer at kingdom Dragon Master
Rodnik Ferrowell Order of the Flame 5 2023-05-31 Persephone Marshmallow For being truly dedicated to the sport and community. Always providing knowledge and advice, purchasing items to create more in-depth games.(cones+flags) A pillar of King's Point.
Rodnik Ferrowell Order of the Owl 10 2022-11-06 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Developing multiple 3D designs, arrowheads, armor, chainmaille, extensive r&d and an amazing presentation/writeup for each
Rodnik Ferrowell Order of the Rose 5 2022-11-06 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Service as park officer and being a helpful resource in general
Salathiel Order of Battle 1 2022-09-28 Rodnik Ferrowell Excellent use of class resources to enhance the survivability of the team.
Solace Bloodweaver Page 1 2024-07-15 Bloodwood T. Pirate page to Sir Bloodwood
Synistra Order of the Rose 2 2022-10-18 Revna Bloodaxe LOADS of work and help at MR 69 at tehir very first event!
Synistra Order of the Rose 2 2023-11-15 Lady Mysteri Without Synistra the meals at Siege could not have happened. From meal preparation to service, even helping to set up and decorate the feast hall she was always easily found in the main hall. Stepping above and beyond to help insure meals were on time and properly prepared.
Synistra Order of the Rose 3 2023-11-02 Cygnus Dufea Her second event and she was such a huge help in making feast happen at Siege
The Iron Bear Master Owl 2024-09-04 Gator Stormtossed Creating unique game artifacts that increased the game mechanics for siege battle games that led to interesting strategies that elevated the games
The Iron Bear Order of the Dragon 2 2023-03-28 Vargus Making tons of insane weapons that are awesome to fight against
The Iron Bear Order of the Dragon 3 2023-03-28 Vargus Making like 2 whole sets of armor that add aesthetic and inspire others in our game
The Iron Bear Order of the Lion 6 2024-09-01 Alexander Blackwood Organizing and running a lovely park event! Siege of sandbass point 3 was a blast. I look forward to it next year!
The Iron Bear Order of the Rose 2 2024-09-02 Kenta Redhawk Seige of sandbass 2
The Iron Bear Order of the Rose 2 2024-09-01 Ulfric the Red Made a great story, 2 battle games with artifacts, and hosted an amazing siege event with very little resources and people available to help
The Iron Bear Order of the Rose 3 2024-09-02 Kenta Redhawk Seige of sandbass 3
The Iron Bear Order of the Warrior 5 2024-09-01 Ulfric the Red Made a great story, 2 battle games with artifacts, and hosted an amazing siege event with very little resources and people available to help
The Iron Bear Paragon Barbarian 2024-08-05 Bloodwood T. Pirate Portrays class to the T! Garb is on point. Even without a sash, he screams barbarian. Sometime literally. Knows the class and uses all his abilities. Even his weapons are bar bar like. Great swords, axes, boulders, flails and massive shields. 100% deserves paragon barbarian.
The Iron Bear Paragon Barbarian 2023-03-28 Vargus I’m surprised he’s not already paragon tbh, but he embodies the class completely.
The Iron Bear Paragon Barbarian 1 2023-02-26 Phoenix He the go to for barbarian at our park
The Iron Bear Paragon Barbarian 1 2023-02-26 Forge Stormborn Consistently portraying the Barbarian class in spirit and real life, #paragonbarbarian, #GuildmasterBarbarians
The Iron Bear Paragon Barbarian 1 2023-01-09 Kestral of Redhawk Garb always looks the part and role plays his class every game.
The Iron Bear Paragon Barbarian 1 2023-03-05 Rodnik Ferrowell A peak example of barbarian gameplay and roleplay
The Iron Bear Paragon Barbarian 1 2024-08-05 Nettle This dude is the definition of "Trogdor thud"! It's not just because he's a big dude either, he makes all his own garb, he's a constant concern on any battlefield, and well? His attitude is constantly hilariously uncivilized to the point where you're never quite sure if he's actually role-playing or is actually just a barbarian.
The Iron Bear Paragon Barbarian 10 2024-02-06 Kenta Redhawk Just look at the guy...everything about him screams barbarian. From his physical appearance, to his armor and weapon choices. This man is the poster child of barbarians
Ulfric the Red Order of the Owl 3 2024-09-01 Forge Stormborn For his own crafted weapons, armors, and a from scratch hand crossbow and bolts.
Ulfric the Red Order of the Rose 2 2024-09-01 Forge Stormborn Creation of multiple props and help pulling off the 3d Siege of Sandbass Point
Unaga Order of the Rose 2 2022-10-18 Revna Bloodaxe being a HUGE help at MR 69 at their very first kgdm event!
Vanthys Order of Battle 10 2023-06-19 Vanthys Being integral to their team's victory in multiple battlegames during endreign 70 and showing a deep knowledge of classes and game rules
Vanthys Order of the Smith 1 2023-04-11 Med Creating unique Battlegame
Vanthys Paragon Scout 10 2023-11-08 TuK! Uziel Playes scout to perfection and is a pain to fight against in this class. Knows his class to well
Vargus Custom Award 1 2022-09-11 Vargus Order of Humility for being so humble and never accepting recognition for being so amazing. ;)
Vargus Master Smith 2 2022-09-11 Vargus When in Houston creating not just one but several additional jugging teams to compete in their "tournament" as before they only had two teams and nobody else who was interested had any idea what to do or any direction. In spite of poor park leadership I was able to singlehandedly save the day and turn a two team tournament into a 4 team double elimination tournament.
Vargus Order of Battle 5 2022-09-11 Vargus Placing second in stupid jugging tournament in Houston where we only lost because I decided to be a team player and let someone else fight with a pole, selflessly putting the enjoyment of others before my own triumph.
Vargus Order of the Jovius 1 2022-09-11 Vargus Being a really nice person and always telling funny jokes, generally just a social butterfly adored by all.
Vargus Order of the Lion 3 2022-09-11 Vargus Behaving fearlessy in the face of battle and leading others to victory, really for being "lionhearted" and leaderly in general.
Vargus Order of the Mask 2 2022-09-11 Vargus Very convincing swedish accent and attention to detail, staying in character sometimes the entire day even when off the field. This type of behavior is a strong symbol and obviously an inspiration to the other players.
Vargus Order of the Warrior 3 2022-09-11 Vargus Beating grappler fair and square in the pole tournament at CK endreign but reeves were cheating and called his first win as his second even though I had already won the first round, and he didn't win the second...? Also grappler sucks with that goofy swordy but don't tell him I said that.
Whitey Order of the Rose 6 2023-11-06 Dreadlord Egare Von Thondarsson Assisting in the kitchen at WE Fall Coro 2023 - sharpening knives, peeling potatoes and cutting carrots plus providing kitchen instruction where needed.
Xenmosh Order of Battle 3 2024-10-03 Alexander Blackwood Class ability with assasin observed at sandbass
Xucio Malgallus Paragon Healer 10 2023-11-06 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier How does he not have this yet lol. Was super annoying(in the best way) the other day during battlegame. Good work as front/midline healer simultaneously keeping his teammates alive as well as aggressing on opposing team. Nice!
Yzma Order of Battle 2 2023-02-26 Forge Stormborn She’s negotiated multiple battle games without being hit by opposing archers by just position
Zacorius Battlemaster 2023-09-25 Sir Garrick Kershaw Absolute terror on the battlefield in a number of classes. Definitely deserved
Zacorius Master Rose 2023-09-25 Sir Garrick Kershaw Well deserved. He has helped time and time again, and has not been recognized. He is the shining example of a Master Rose and a Knight of the Flame
Zacorius Master Rose 1 2023-11-09 Kevetor Xaris While Zacorius was not one of the crats for the Siege event, he went above and beyond to help out with the setup and breakdown of the entire event. He was part of the last 3 people to leave site because he stuck around to help with cleanup, as well as putting out fires(literally) at campsites. Zac embodies what a master rose should be.
Zacorius Order of the Rose 10 2022-11-07 Sir Garrick Kershaw For his exceptional work at SW on the war team. I believe he was under rewarded
Zacorius Order of the Rose 10 2025-01-20 Fletch Von Drach Facilities Crating at Endreign 73/Coronation 74 and helping beyond the scope of his position
Zacorius Order of the Rose 10 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood Zacorias was facilitys at end reign 73 every time I spotted a problem I also saw him ahead of me and on the way. he did a very good job. Also got my favorite picture of the event of him plunging an exploding toilet as everyone else was at the knighting. 10/10
Zacorius Paragon Anti-Paladin 10 2023-11-15 Armek Dark Labrys Time and time again. He has been proven to use his skills and knowledge to become an terrifying opponent. If he is playing with or without armor, he definitely enemy number one that must be taken out. Quick and decisive on plays and targets while whittling down armor and shields.
Zacorius Paragon Druid 10 2022-12-20 Kenta Redhawk Incredible at 5his class
Zaraukk Order of the Warrior 4 2023-02-26 Forge Stormborn He’s at this level of fighting or better, I’ve personally got L3, and he’s above my skill level in most fights.
Zaraukk Order of the Warrior 4 2023-03-21 The Iron Bear The man knows how to work his ridiculously large pole