Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Ahuic, Mistress of Crafts Order of the Crown 8 2024-11-12 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius for their 3rd term as kingdom regent
Baron Gheldar Blackthorn Order of the Mask 2 2024-02-06 Talon the Discerning Roleplay and service as blacksmith at Westmarch OUT
Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Order of the Rose 5 2024-05-28 Arthera Rosethorn He was always willing to jump in to help out during the event, KWW 2024, especially with setting up/ breaking down elements of the events. Helped set up lights at the pavilion and later tear down tavern and move tables back inside.
Bernhildt Blackhelm Order of Battle 4 2024-06-29 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius He has accelled at learning both assassin and anti Paladin. From the get go he has had so much energy for learning how to battle game. He is well on his way to being an excellent battle gamer
Blackhawk Order of the Mask 2 2024-01-16 Lucky Dramatic deaths on and off the field.
Blackhawk Order of the Rose 4 2024-06-03 Teishi Masamura for helping pack up other camps and leaving site clean.
Bunny von Giggigen Order of the Dragon 1 2024-09-11 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Knighting chest mimic
Captain Krieg Hellbourne, Esquire Order of the Dragon 2 2024-06-03 Squire Ansgar Excellent (and hilarious) portrayal of a salamander in the KWW 2024 Night Quest
Captain Krieg Hellbourne, Esquire Order of the Lion 5 2022-08-09 Sir Blight Stygia the Hollow Cratting Midreign
Captain Krieg Hellbourne, Esquire Order of the Rose 7 2024-11-04 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Volunteer work at KWW and Keep setting up battle games for with other game runneres when not scheduled and spontanious volunteering around the event
Captain Krieg Hellbourne, Esquire Order of the Smith 9 2024-05-31 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Warcratting at kww2024 and creating enjoyable battlegames for an interkingdom event. Krieg has gone above and beyond in exporting what Illinois amtgard can be and being a shining example to those around him
Crimson Wolfstar Baron 2022-09-12 Dragomir Many multiple terms as park Monarch
Crimson Wolfstar Duke 2021-09-01 Crimson Wolfstar 11 terms as Park Monarch, 2 terms pro tem Monarch
Crimson Wolfstar Order of Battle 7 2021-09-01 Crimson Wolfstar Participation in Kingdom Event battlegames
Crimson Wolfstar Order of Battle 8 2021-09-01 Crimson Wolfstar Participation in Kingdom Event battlegames
Crimson Wolfstar Order of Battle 9 2021-09-01 Crimson Wolfstar Participation in multiple Kingdoms level Event battlegames
Crimson Wolfstar Order of Battle 10 2021-09-01 Crimson Wolfstar Participation in multiple Kingdoms level Event battlegames
Crimson Wolfstar Paragon Warrior 2021-09-01 Crimson Wolfstar Uses class abilities to their full potential on the field, always willing to help others with their class by giving advice and experiences. Can be the turning tide in battle.
Damos Lord 1 2023-08-27 Jac\'Koo the Mad The continuation of keeping Scholars Stronghold alive and kicking against all odds without complaint.
Daunte Leatherneck Paragon Anti-Paladin 10 2024-08-26 Page Valeria Sweets Ironscales Von Schweetz Drake for repeatedly showing his mastery of the class of anti-paladin
Eon Order of the Griffin 1 2024-12-02 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius honorable fighting at kingdom wm
Eon Order of the Warrior 1 2024-12-02 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius enthusiasm to fight and learn
Ivor Hawksen Order of the Warrior 1 2024-11-15 Baron Gheldar Blackthorn Ivor was participating in a bridge battle. his entire team was respawning. He took on the entire team on the other side broke through and stole the flag and raced back winning the battle for his team.
Izana Order of the Warrior 1 2024-07-07 Twitch Blackthorn For combat improvement at Griffin's Heart.
Jac\'Koo the Mad Order of the Walker in the Middle 10 2023-08-25 Ahuic, Mistress of Crafts He is hands down the best reeve in the kingdom. Time and time again, he is who people turn to and count on for tournaments and battle games.
Jael Nearknot Paragon Color 1 2021-09-23 Jac\'Koo the Mad Reason being that even if she's not physically able to make it to park, she is still always willing to answer any sort of craft question anyone has or has the capability of steering that person to the correct individuals.
Leona Wish Halvorsdottir Penumbra Order of the Garber 8 2024-02-10 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius They make amazing garb dor people but don't show it off, they are severely under awarded due to being an underground artist. Get (award) rekt nerd
Marionette Order of the Crown 3 2025-01-27 Daunte Leatherneck For continous and excellent service as Prime Minister.
Marionette Order of the Dragon 3 2025-01-27 Daunte Leatherneck For the excellent roleplay of being a death spirited kirin at lodge cons 2023, 2024, and several events and practices.
Marionette Order of the Garber 3 2025-01-27 Daunte Leatherneck For her construction of her outfit that she has created and improved on over several events
Marionette Order of the Lion 4 2025-01-27 Daunte Leatherneck for securing indoor practice space with the YMCA for Winter Reign.
Marionette Order of the Rose 2 2025-01-27 Daunte Leatherneck For helping people bring equipment to and from their vehicles before and after park.
Marionette Order of the Rose 3 2025-01-27 Daunte Leatherneck For volunteering to help in the kitchen at Endreign 2024
Marionette Order of the Rose 4 2025-01-27 Daunte Leatherneck for volunteering at Endreign 2024 with serving feast to the kingdom
Marionette Order of the Rose 5 2025-01-27 Daunte Leatherneck For co running the lodge con 2024 booth
Marquis Godric T Ravenyard Order of the Griffin 4 2024-12-10 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Honorable fighting at kingdom WM
Mouse hYena Order of the Rose 6 2024-09-23 Syr Fezzik Bheesty Helping grill and run Garlic bread back and forth at Keep for Flame Knight Grill.
Onishi Katzushinsei Master Rose 2024-11-04 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Shinsie's body of work donating time and sweat streches back near 2 decades. from work at the precursor to Keep, Discord, to today running Food Fight for the kingdom. in my opinion these are the hallmarks of a master rose and should be recognized as such.
Rayloth Order of Battle 3 2023-11-28 Chaka Shadowpaw Skill in Phoenix league practice
Rayloth Order of the Garber 1 2023-11-28 Chaka Shadowpaw Acquired garb
Real Order of Battle 5 2024-06-03 Teishi Masamura Dominating the field at First Knight.
Real Order of the Lion 6 2024-06-03 Teishi Masamura for once again helping to check weapons, shields, armor and equipment while not running the game. Also for advising the warcraton games at First Knight
Ritter Burgermeister Bridgette von Giggigen Master Dragon 8 2023-05-29 Debbie For her perfomances at Salt Wars Best of the Best and Anira's knighting.
Ritter Burgermeister Bridgette von Giggigen Order of the Garber 4 2024-03-04 Debbie For the druid tunic submitted in the mose recent Dragonmaster competition
Ritter Burgermeister Bridgette von Giggigen Order of the Garber 4 2024-03-04 Sir Lucas OL IV For her Druid Garb entered in the Kingdom Dragonmaster in February, 2024
Ritter Burgermeister Bridgette von Giggigen Order of the Owl 1 2024-03-04 Debbie For the Gjallarhorn tech style submitted on the Dragonmaster tournament.
Ritter Burgermeister Bridgette von Giggigen Order of the Owl 1 2024-03-04 Sir Lucas OL IV For her Gjallarhorn Tech Style entered in the Kingdom Dragonmaster in February, 2024
Roderick Silverhand Duke 2024-11-12 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Roderick ran a successful reign as monarch of 13 roads while balancing his responsibilities as v8 rules rep, and ensuring procedure of the IKCoM was followed and executed for the betterment of not just our kingdom but amtgard as a community
Roderick Silverhand Master Lion 2024-11-04 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Volunteer work at KWW and Keep setting up battle games for with other game runneres when not scheduled and spontanious volunteering around the event
Roderick Silverhand Master Rose 2024-11-04 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius He has done as much and more than Master roses historicaly, with 2 food fights, spring muster, amtpride, and running a holiday toy drive. while he is very new to amtgard for a masterhood the work that he has done well exceeds the bar of masters that have come before him
Roderick Silverhand Order of Battle 5 2024-10-07 Nynaeve al'Ursa Tristanata battlefield prowess at Curse
Roderick Silverhand Order of Battle 8 2024-11-12 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius to accompany paragon warrior
Roderick Silverhand Order of the Crown 9 2024-11-12 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Roderick ran a successful reign as monarch of 13 roads while balancing his responsibilities as v8 rules rep, and ensuring procedure of the IKCoM was followed and executed for the betterment of not just our kingdom but amtgard as a community
Roderick Silverhand Order of the Garber 1 2024-09-19 Zarad AnNasr Sewing of striped pants from scratch.
Roderick Silverhand Order of the Garber 2 2024-09-19 Zarad AnNasr Sewing of blue, yellow, and grey tunic.
Roderick Silverhand Order of the Garber 3 2024-09-19 Zarad AnNasr The audacious complexity of the sleeves of the blue, yellow, and grey tunic
Roderick Silverhand Order of the Owl 8 2024-05-30 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius For his creation of multiple plastidip shields and swords. Roderick has consistently been putting out high quality plastidip equipment.
Roderick Silverhand Paragon Warrior 2024-11-12 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Roderick has not only shown his skill with Warrior here in kingdom but on interkingdom fields as well. Showing he is a force to move the tides of battlegames
Squire Lady Akira Rowena Ishtar Wolfsbane Order of the Mask 1 2024-04-08 Gurrax DeadTail-Novellis, Lord For their role as alpha werewolf at legends 2024
Steff of Haven Hills Paragon Peasant 1 2023-02-27 Captain Krieg Hellbourne, Esquire Good at fighting and good at growing potatos
Teishi Masamura Order of Battle 8 2024-05-29 Teishi Masamura skill in battlegaming and two paragons
Teishi Masamura Order of the Garber 6 2024-06-11 Sir Blight Stygia the Hollow The surcoat he made for Shinsei was a solid piece of garb. Multiple techniques were used to good effects. With some refinement and practice, he could go all the way within a year or two.
Vorak Armenoc Utvara Order of the Warrior 1 2024-01-16 Lucky Battlefield prowess