Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Bones Order of the Facade 2 2024-07-21 Tzair Decent Role play during Questing event, was willing to entertain deal by the Cheese Gang
Oberon Honeygrove Order of the Facade 4 2023-10-10 Alexander Kilgore For excellent roleplay in the Iron Sky Park Day of October 7th, 2023. King Oberon portrayed his Fae background and peaceful nature expertly through multiple encounters, shining especially as he masterfully distracted the mad dryad with conversation while his team completed the objectives.
Oberon Honeygrove Order of the Garber 4 2024-04-17 LeahPie Silvermane For his undeniably fantastic full set(s) of garb including Court garb. His kit meshes well with the moniker of King, too. Very stately and yet simple and well done.
Oberon Honeygrove Order of the Jovius 4 2024-04-17 LeahPie Silvermane Every single time Oberon has come to Iron Sky and every time I have had the pleasure of talking to him, Oberon is upbeat, encouraging, joyful, and hilarious. He is a fair and compassionate person who does his best to see things from all sides. Jovious IS his normal state.
Oz Bright Soul the Dirty Trickster, leader of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang Order of the Mask 2 2024-02-12 Gannon Silvermane For exemplary roleplay as Oz the Bard
Oz Bright Soul the Dirty Trickster, leader of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang Order of the Rose 6 2024-04-07 LeahPie Silvermane For donating funds to Iron Sky's Highland Games 2024 to go to getting prime rib to be served at the feast.