Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Hybrid Order of the Dragon 1 2024-02-23 Orlagh Jag Sinikta Amazing Feast at Feast of dyrock 2023
Keladrie de Mildran Master Crown 10 2024-01-10 Alphie She's already got her 10 is joked about to be permanent secretary, at least give her masterhood to show she knows her political stuff so that she can be referred to as such
Keladrie de Mildran Master Dragon 1 2024-08-15 Allurian Maethillian
Keladrie de Mildran Master Dragon 9 2024-06-01 Shepherd Two really awesome Lord titles
Keladrie de Mildran Order of the Flame 1 2024-02-23 Orlagh Jag Sinikta Jonus donation meal at Feast of Dyrok 2023
Keladrie de Mildran Order of the Mask 3 2024-08-13 Allurian Maethillian For the portrayal of her goblin avatar!
Keladrie de Mildran Order of the Zodiac 1 2024-10-09 Thoan Runebeard For their donation of a dinner for FoD
Orion Order of the Smith 4 2024-06-29 Bahyurur, Lord of Light Helping run the BC travel day lvl 1 battlegame classes, 6/29/2024