Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Fawn Blossom Order of the Dragon 5 2022-12-12 Saffi Frostfyre Beautiful art piece made about my persona. All done via collaboration and some referance images of my own garb.
Fawn Blossom Order of the Griffin 4 2024-01-22 Rin Ozara Amazing honor at Feast of Dyrok 2023 Non-Male tournment (she even won a prize for being the MVP)
Fawn Blossom Order of the Lion 1 2022-07-04 Orlagh Jag Sinikta Helping to add a fantasy aesthetic to the discord
Fawn Blossom Order of the Rose 5 2024-05-29 Alphie For spending all day Saturday at k stars to help judge the serpent master
Hephin Order of the Mask 1 2024-05-28 DoodleBug Starlight Some seriously great zombie rp at kstars 2024 (especially with the kids!)
Juniper Order of Battle 1 2024-01-19 Solomon Raum learning to use class abilities and participation in battle gaming
Link Order of Battle 1 2023-12-05 Solomon Raum improvement in class gaming
Link Order of the Warrior 1 2023-12-05 Solomon Raum Improvement in fighting
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Hunter 1 2023-06-28 xX_Ronin_Xx For winning the Sherwood Forest Archery tournament!
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Hunter 1 2024-02-25 Rin Ozara Placed 1st in KLE Sherwood Forest in the archery tournament
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Dragon 9 2024-06-09 Thoan Runebeard Master owl scroll for Bull out of the kingdom of Rivermore
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Garber 9 2024-06-09 Thoan Runebeard Rose Maserhood for Master Guilda
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Mask 2024-05-29 Zarad AnNasr Excellent role play throughout KWW2024
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Mask 1 2023-06-26 Lucinda Tealeaf for excellent work as a NPC in the save the princess quest at the Day at Sherwood forest Event Jun 25, 2023
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Mask 1 2023-06-28 xX_Ronin_Xx Beautiful and fantastic display of the Fae’s nonsensical trickery at Omens 2022 with her Mari D. Gold character
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Mask 2 2023-06-28 xX_Ronin_Xx Her nobility was truly put on display during a day in Sherwood forest’s capture the prince and princess game. Such a lovely princess
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Order of the Rose 8 2023-07-24 Saraseena of Tatiana For going above and beyond (in so many ways) planning, setting up, and co-crating on Omens 2023.
Orlagh Jag Sinikta Paragon Barbarian 2024-05-28 Sir Brognar Stonepaw, the Keen Excellent Barbarian gameplay at Known World War 2024
Rin Ozara Order of the Smith 5 2024-05-29 Alphie For running the non men's conversation at k stars to kick start active conversation within the queer and female identifying community that is present in Amtgard
Shadin Order of the Warrior 1 2024-03-03 Rin Ozara For warrior prowess, postive mindset as a fighter
Thoan Runebeard Master Crown 2022-06-27 Scar Lionsbane Holding successful terms of elected office for years with very little breaks.
Thoan Runebeard Master Rose 2022-06-27 Scar Lionsbane Dedicating their event time to helping out while not holding a role as part of the event staff. Donating a majority of items for feast they have ran over the years.
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 8 2022-06-27 Sir Corwyn Lindenson 2018- regent Lvl-Barony- summer reign 2018- Monarch Lvl-Barony- winter reign 2017- Regent Barony Lvl- Winter reign 2017- Gmr Barony Lvl- summer reign 2016- Monarch Barony Lvl- winter reign 2016- Regent Barony Lvl- summer reign 2016- 1 year term bod 2015- PM shire lvl- winter reign (droped out) 2015- monarch Shire Lvl- Summer reign 2014- Champion shire Lvl-winter reign
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 8 2022-07-11 Matriarch Guin Llewellyn 8+ recommendation. Runebeard dedicates so much time in office to the game, and is consistently focused on improving his park and kingdom.
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 8 2023-11-13 Orion First reign as Kingdom Winter 2022
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 9 2023-11-05 Bahyurur, Lord of Light 2 excellent reigns as Kingdom Monarch of VO. A full year of tireless service to Amtgard and the people of the Viridian Outlands, navigating with excellence through multiple sensitive issues.
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 9 2023-11-13 Orion Second reign as King summer 2023
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 9 2024-01-22 Rin Ozara Kinda confused about his awards on his ork with his order of the crowns since 6th and 7th crown were given for shire level positions which should also include his barony level postions? Either way for his kingdom level offices, reccomend at least 8/9th level of Crown for kingdom level offices in 2023
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 10 2022-12-28 Kimjin Runebeard has been barony monarch ateast 4 times, kingdom regent once, barony level twice, barony champion, barony pm, kingdom bod twice including president, and gmr at barony level. The man is a driving force in the game and ominous valley as well as the kingdom are lucky to have him. This alone is worthy of his tenth and beyond and now he is starting a reign as king with much enthusiasm and love
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 10 2022-06-27 Sir Corwyn Lindenson 2021- Monarch barony- summer reign 2020- start as term as BOD presedent 2020- Kingdom Regent - summer reign 2020- PM barony -summer reign (dropped out) 2019- champion barony- summer reign(droped out)
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 10 2022-06-27 Scar Lionsbane 8th - 10th orders for 15 successful reigns in office.
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Crown 10 2023-07-24 Bahyurur, Lord of Light Extreme competence as kingdom monarch for a full year 2023
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Rose 10 2022-06-27 Scar Lionsbane Performing the duties of Feast-o-crat for Circles of Fate.
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Rose 10 2023-03-27 Murphy O\'hUgin While serving as monarch of VO was willing to extend their talents to the NLCC spring feast. They are constantly selfless in their service to the community of tgard and deserve the highest recognition for it.
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Smith 7 2024-03-03 Rin Ozara For coming up and running creative battlegames at Riverwatch (from providing the equipment, setting up the games, write ups and reeving them)
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Smith 7 2024-02-11 Tarlach Ilias For writing and running the dungeon and puzzles at Omens 2023, pushing players to manage their resources and work together to overcome the obstacles laid before them.
Thoan Runebeard Order of the Zodiac 2 2022-06-26 Jack Todespfeil Donating multiple meals for park
Thoan Runebeard Paragon Healer 1 2022-07-18 Allurian Maethillian He is an unbalancing force of nature, mans a kickass healer and has taught multiple people how to be better..
Thoan Runebeard Paragon Wizard 2024-05-28 Sir Brognar Stonepaw, the Keen Excellent Wizard gameplay at Known World War 2024
Thoan Runebeard Viscount 2022-06-27 Sir Corwyn Lindenson as per the VO corpora for serving one term as Kingdom Regent
Thoan Runebeard Viscount 2022-06-27 Scar Lionsbane Served their Kingdom for one (1) term as Kingdom Monarch, Regent, or Prime Minister.
Thoan Runebeard Viscount 1 2022-07-18 Allurian Maethillian Serving as Kingdom Level Office.
Zenfair Order of the Warrior 1 2024-03-03 Rin Ozara Placing 4th in KLE weaponmaster