Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Agerill Order of the Griffin 2 2023-11-26 Noveran In the impromptu tournament on you tube, he showed honour by only lightly tapping an opponent when his opponenet was very much smaller
Aimon Kampetant Order of the Mask 1 2023-07-25 Jack Todespfeil Role play of a defiant golem
Baronet Paxton Order of Battle 3 2025-01-12 Jack Todespfeil Battlefield prowess
Baronet Paxton Order of Battle 4 2025-01-12 Jack Todespfeil Battlefield prowess
Baronet Paxton Viscount 2024-06-23 Baronet Paxton Terms as kindgom regent
Baronetess Adelae Verdenwylde Order of the Flame 6 2024-10-20 Noveran Being part of the group that planned Midreign 2025 The Edge of twilight
Baronetess Adelae Verdenwylde Order of the Garber 10 2025-02-16 Allurian Maethillian Creation of Master Hoods.
Baronetess Gilda Baronetess 1 2023-01-02 Noveran She has been Regent at WW 3 times and is now Chancellor of WW
Baronetess Gilda Order of the Garber 6 2024-01-21 Noveran For the cat hoodie she made milo
Dom Lawrence Order of the Facade (Portrayer) 1 2024-03-18 Lord Golden Lion Roll playing a NPC of the Chateau D’or Windchill 2024
Dovakin Order of the Jovius 2 2024-03-17 Lord Golden Lion Being a good sport and fun to be around all event Windchill 2024
Exodia Order of the Facade (Portrayer) 1 2024-03-18 Lord Golden Lion For playing a Haunted Garden Guard for a battle game at Windchill 2024
Fanin Forsvarsspiller Order of the Flame 4 2024-10-03 Fanin Forsvarsspiller for coordinating and running MunchGard, Sept.21 2024
Golden Panda (Joanna) Order of the Rose 6 2022-06-05 Noveran Gden lion and panda brought rubarb cake to park for every I e
Goose Order of the Facade (Portrayer) 6 2023-07-25 Jack Todespfeil Portrayal of fae and sowing discord at omens
Goose Order of the Dragon 5 2024-10-06 Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp For deeply embodying each + every NPC, goose dedicates themselves 1000%
Heppin Knight of the Serpent 1 2024-03-17 Lord Golden Lion For creating works of art with his leather crafting skills
Heppin Master Owl 1 2024-03-03 Sir Corwyn Lindenson amazing leatherwork, vary talented work on his leather hat and leather book, the book is intuitive with plastic wing inserts to change the color of the featured dragon. masterfull work
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Hunter 10 2025-02-16 Jack Todespfeil Master hunter, winning 5 or more Kingdom Level Archery tournaments
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Dragon 7 2024-09-27 Jack Todespfeil Multiple leather item carvings, (phone case, crossbow quivers, multiple bags, etc)
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Garber 4 2024-09-27 Jack Todespfeil Butt pouch large
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Garber 5 2024-09-27 Jack Todespfeil Multiple potion pouches, small keys and wallet pouches, and sewn shrubbery bag.
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Garber 6 2025-01-03 Jack Todespfeil Paracord belt, green and gold
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Rose 9 2024-12-07 Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp For crating 2 events, Circles of Fate 2021, and Windchill 2023
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Rose 10 2024-12-07 Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp For crating Circles of fate 2023 and windchill 2025, as well as continued service to the park and kingdom
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Smith 10 2023-10-28 Jack Todespfeil Creation of cof 2023, assisting local park members in quest creation and balance modification. Multiple battle game modifications and running. Reeving majority of local tournaments and multiple days of reeving locally adding up to a large portion of dedication reeving as well as assisting new reeves in how to Reeve.
Jack Todespfeil Order of the Smith 10 2024-12-07 Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Creation of multiple events, battle games, guides, reeving and so much more.
Jack Todespfeil Paragon Assassin 10 2024-12-07 Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp For Mastering assassin and Roleplay. Infiltrating enemy teams without lying and continued excellence to teach.
Karnath Calacove Order of Battle 6 2022-05-28 Noveran During the class game the Warriors were picking in me and karnath came and saved me
Karnath Calacove Order of Battle 7 2022-06-02 Noveran Our team for the limited lives game after the grand melee lost by two, but it turns out we didn't get our refresh accidentally, and the other team had gotten there's. Karnath was the captain of our team
Leonora Order of the Flame 1 2024-10-20 Noveran Being part of the group that planned Midreign 2025 The Edge of twilight
Lord Golden Lion Order of the Hunter 4 2023-06-11 Lord Golden Lion Using his Archer abilities to control and win large battle games
Lord Golden Lion Order of the Crown 6 2023-01-15 Noveran Board of directors 2021
Lord Golden Lion Order of the Rose 9 2024-03-17 Lord Golden Lion Hosting an amazing Feast of the 3 Kings event to bring everyone together during the 2024 holiday season
Lord Golden Lion Order of the Rose 10 2023-01-07 Noveran For planning and executing the winter solstice
Lord Golden Lion Order of the Rose 10 2024-03-17 Lord Golden Lion Running Windchill 2024. Making sure we had a place to play when the hall canceled on us, making sure the events ran smoothly and enjoyable
Lord Ramas Frostwarden Order of the Owl 9 2023-01-07 Noveran making that bell for the game ring the bell out of a propane tank and making a video about it
Matthias Schaffurion Order of the Rose 3 2023-08-04 Oln Stonehead For donation of Cores and materials for the loaner armory
Noveran Order of the Flame 7 2024-10-20 Noveran Being part of the group that planned Midreign 2025 The Edge of twilight
Noveran Order of the Rose 10 2023-06-23 Noveran For taking charge and organizing animethon, finding volunteers, schedule creation, inventory list of items to showcase, reaching out to ppl to volunteer, also being the first Regent at WW to offer more inclusive Grafton master options such as presenting your item in person instead of only being able to write it out
Odereus Urungus Count 1 2023-02-01 Noveran Was the first president when the BoD was reinstated back in 2015. HD two more terms as president since then. Stepped up to office multiple times when bequeathed (GMR, Monarch). Met all the requirements deserving is the title.
Odereus Urungus Count 10 2023-04-19 Jack Todespfeil Completed 2 terms as regeant and multiple other terms In office.
Odereus Urungus Order of the Crown 10 2023-02-01 Noveran Multiple terms in office at Park, Kingdom, and BoD level.
Oln Stonehead Master Owl 4 2023-08-04 Oln Stonehead Upgrading and Decorating a Leather Breastplate.
Oln Stonehead Order of the Owl 5 2023-08-04 Oln Stonehead Creation of a loaner armory consisting of 4 of each: Great, Long, Short and Dagger.
Oln Stonehead Order of the Rose 2 2024-03-18 Lord Golden Lion Donating his time to work the Casino for Yellowbird Community league, making the cost of Windchill 2024 reasonable
Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Lady 2024-08-18 Orlagh Jag Sinikta Rawr Chap is a staple of the Western Winds community, they consitntly step up to help the park and players grow! I feel like a title of nobility is LOOONG overdue
Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Lady 1 2024-01-22 Rin Ozara I can't believe Rawrchamp has not received her lady title yet! She is such a kind soul that makes it a welcoming space for all in this community. She's done so much work for her park and in the game and she does not because she wants to help and from the natural kindness of her heart. She helps for all the right reasons and asks for nothing in return. I am not even in her park and see how much s
Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Lady 1 2023-01-02 Noveran For taking over as protem Regent and then taking over as protem Duchess. Also always a huge positive person on field and for teaching younger fughters
Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Lady 1 2024-01-07 Sir Tristan Garnovich Protein Regent, protem Duchess and like a full year served as Chatelaine
Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Order of the Jovius 3 2022-06-05 Noveran For her constant encouraging and fair play on the field. Rawrchamps friendliness and good nature make her a joy to be around
Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Order of the Jovius 3 2024-03-17 Lord Golden Lion Always with a smile, even when things are going sideways
Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Order of the Owl 3 2023-01-23 Lord Golden Lion Building Snowpeople for the Kingdom event
Pineappocalypso Rawrchamp Order of the Rose 9 2025-02-16 Sir Tristan Garnovich Rawrchamp rose 9th for feastocrat WindChill 2025
Seraphicious Master Dragon 4 2022-07-11 Thoan Runebeard Assassination attempt @COF 2020 during the banquet on the monarch
Seraphicious Order of the Crown 5 2023-01-15 Noveran Secrearoon board of directors 6 month term 2022 spring
Seraphicious Order of the Crown 6 2023-01-15 Noveran Secretary board of directors 6 month term 2022 winter
Seraphicious Order of the Rose 8 2023-01-10 Noveran For taking over the animethon and organizing and taking charge at the last minute
Serf Order of the Owl 1 2023-02-08 Noveran Building a long sword
Sine Order of Battle 5 2024-03-17 Lord Golden Lion For solving the Murder Mystery at Chateau D’or
Sine Order of the Dragon 6 2024-03-16 Noveran For the poems she wrote for the healer and Warrior Paragon awards
Sir Tristan Garnovich Baron 1 2023-05-17 Sir Tristan Garnovich 5 terms of office as Duke of Western Winds. Corpora suggest someone should get Baron title for term of office as Duke of a duchy
Sir Tristan Garnovich Baron 1 2023-05-18 Eorith Darkwood Great term as Duke. Always willing to help out or give advice. And an all around great guy.
Sir Tristan Garnovich Order of the Zodiac 2 2023-05-17 Sir Tristan Garnovich Donation of items for CoF 2022; polearm, plate torso, helmet
Sir Tristan Garnovich Order of the Zodiac 3 2024-04-03 Sir Tristan Garnovich Donation of single Pauldron, greaves and cuisse w/ knee plate armour to WindChill 2024
Tarlach Ilias Order of the Jovius 1 2024-03-29 Poppy Murderdragon just an overall swell dude and made me feel super welcome in the mtg tourney
Tarlach Ilias Paragon Healer 1 2024-03-24 Bun (Just Bun) Effective use of healer skills on battlefield , dominating presence at nlcc as healer, effective and significant contribution to new healer (echo) < than 1 to the point that echo himself is a a big presence on field. The idea of a fantastic healer already teaching a new healer significantly deserves Paragon healer as that is the idea of Paragon
Toxicwaste Order of the Owl 1 2023-01-23 Lord Golden Lion Building Snowpeople for the Kingdom event
Tyrvi Order of the Owl 5 2023-02-18 Jack Todespfeil Helmet creation
Vance Ravensblood Order of the Griffin 1 2021-11-07 Seraphicious Having courage to keep pushing through Warlord Boot Camp
Wyr\'r\'on Fae\'zorwinn (Ron) Order of Battle 5 2024-12-05 Solomon Raum learning to play caster classes