Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Marcus the Mad Paragon Paladin 2022-04-17 Covina Sharpie Anti-Paladin (no option) - He plays this class frequently and well. He understands the class and different ways to play it.
Xion Snow Order of the Crown 7 2022-03-21 Creslin 9 terms in office
Xion Snow Order of the Crown 7 2022-03-22 Lady Squire Aria Lokasdottir 9 terms in local office, going on 5 years in officeon
Xion Snow Order of the Walker in the Middle 1 2021-12-22 Creslin A great and habitual reeve
Xion Snow Order of the Walker in the Middle 1 2022-03-22 Lady Squire Aria Lokasdottir Exemplary reeve
Xion Snow Paragon Archer 2022-03-21 Creslin Exceptional shot with a bow, former Archer guildmaster great strategician