Award Recommendations

Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Fifty Two Duke 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Two terms as Champion, one term as Monarch
Fifty Two Order of the Warrior 5 2023-11-21 Sebastion Winning Triple End Reign Tournament 2023
Halavere Count 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Two terms as KGMR, three terms as Champion
Halavere Order of Battle 6 2023-10-13 Dagger An extremely high skill in target selection and strategic placement on the field. I noticed he excels in selecting specific opponents or locations where he can best use his fighting skills to sway the overall battlegame objectives throughout Feast of Gods 2023.
Halavere Order of the Smith 8 2024-02-22 thistledown notagnome Dundracon Demo (Probably not an 8th on it's own, but a mark towards it)
Harefor Custom Award 1 2023-11-28 Talon the Discerning Order of the Manti core. Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on YOU, dishonor on your COW!
Harefor Custom Award 2 2024-02-05 Talon the Discerning Order of the Manticore. Roleplay as highway brigand at OUT
Harefor Order of the Mask 2 2024-02-05 Talon the Discerning Highway brigand at OUT
Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie Grand Duchess 2024-02-06 Talon the Discerning Multiple terms as Kingdom Monarch
Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie Knight of the Crown 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Served as Kingdom Regent twice, and as Kingdom Monarch twice
Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie Knight of the Flame 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Selfless, longsuffering service to the Kingdom
Saint Ka'a Tul Acklie Master Crown 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Kingdom-level office
Slowpoke Order of the Griffin 1 2023-11-21 Sebastion Honor during the Triple End Reign Tournament 2023
Thadeus Order of the Dragon 1 2023-06-29 Ser Ravyn the Sage I almost always saw Thadeus with a guitar, a real one, both on and off the field. He played music during battlegames, walking around, and then also at his family campsite. Although not always a public performance, I appreciated his presence with the guitar music throughout DSXXIV. His gentle music was a nice balance.
Wilhelm Bounty Order of the Owl 1 2024-06-03 Talon the Discerning Making a long dagger