Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Aelelia Baroness 2024-10-29 Cynderhilde Served as duchess in 2016
Aelelia Order of the Crown 7 2024-10-26 Talon the Discerning Continuing to serve as Monarch of the Barony of Thor's Refuge
Alduran the Strange Man-at-Arms 1 2023-03-28 Lady Hera Faldare Alduran the Strange got belted by Lady Page Hera Faldare because good fighter.
Bear Bear Count 2024-02-28 Talon the Discerning Two terms as Kingdom Champion.
Bear Bear Custom Award 1 2024-12-16 Lady Hera Faldare I am recommended an award because Lord Defender Bear Bear has been making headbands for each clan, you can also see the picture that post on his page on facebook or Westmarch page. I put down custom award because I am usure what Westmarch or the land to give Lord Defender Bear Bear.
Bear Bear Custom Award 3 2023-06-18 Lady Hera Faldare Traveler: For visiting so many lands, in person with ZPP Group and as Kingdom Champio.
Bear Bear Knight of the Flame 2024-02-28 Talon the Discerning I count 9 recommendations for Master Smith. He is a rolemodel to all, and his strength of character qualifies him for knighthood.
Bear Bear Master Rose 9 2023-02-07 RoseThorn Driving all around the state, setting up zombie games, bringing the needed supplies, finding volunteers to work the games and recruiting an entire zombie guild
Bear Bear Master Smith 2023-10-23 Scoot the Jolly Green Giant Bear Bear ran amazing quests for two whole reigns across the whole Kingdom
Bear Bear Master Smith 2023-07-23 Mae Zombie campaign!!!!! Bringing westmarch together during the Civil war!
Bear Bear Master Smith 2023-11-16 Lord at arms Chicken a la Voidborne Kingdom wide and making battle games with other kingdoms and adding lore
Bear Bear Master Smith 2023-07-23 RoseThorn Running a quest that not only spanned 2 reigns but went up and down northern and southern Cali, into some other states, even hitting up Freeholds, one day of which had such a big turn out (78 people) that the park it was held at kicked us out for too large of numbers. If there has ever been a master it's this one. Not giving him a masterhood doesn't make sense.
Bear Bear Master Smith 2023-07-23 Gravekeeper Sir Spade the Laborious After the Cali - wide zombie games WITH Custom videos to hype each one of them up, how has this not happened yet?
Bear Bear Master Smith 2023-07-23 Mo Lazy Man The biggest zombie campaign the world has ever seen!!!!!
Bear Bear Master Smith 2023-07-23 Making a zombie quest that has spanned a vast majority of California that included a video for each park that was visited. This was truly an epic quest and this award is well deserved.
Bear Bear Master Smith 1 2023-07-24 Azus Years of organizing quests and dungeons
Bear Bear Master Smith 1 2025-01-14 Zariel Running L5R quests at verious parks (including Wildmire)
Bear Bear Master Smith 10 2023-08-28 No words. Just zombies.
Bear Bear Master Smith 10 2025-01-28 Milan of Amber Give this man his master smith - Long overdue
Bear Bear Order of the Crown 9 2025-01-26 Talon the Discerning BearBear has repeatedly stepped up to serve in Kingdom office. Everyone feels the effects. Across multiple reigns, he makes a concerted effort to visit as many parks as possible. He ensures battlegames are organized (WM Corpora 3.5.4). In advancing the reign theme with his battlegames, he upholds the "honor of the Crown" (WM Corpora 3.5.3).
Bear Bear Order of the Rose 9 2023-11-16 Lord at arms Chicken a la Voidborne Driving all around the state, setting up zombie games, bringing the needed supplies, finding volunteers to work the games and recruiting an entire zombie guild
Bear Bear Order of the Rose 9 2023-06-22 Lady Bridget For his very generous donation of fabric and thread to Lady Bridget of Wyvern's Spur. In support of her making loaner sashes for her park and throughout the kingdom.
Bear Bear Order of the Rose 9 2025-02-08 Gravekeeper Sir Spade the Laborious 2 Dungeon raids, bought and managed an Air bnb for both of those raids for the entire dragonvale people who drove up
Clenawe Archduke 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Terms as Monarch, Regent, 3 KPM, 2 GMR
Clenawe Master Rose 9 2023-06-23 Azus A wide variety of Darkshore games
Cynderhilde Order of the Dragon 6 2023-06-29 Ser Ravyn the Sage created the website for DSXXIV
Cynderhilde Order of the Dragon 6 2025-01-02 Theos Corbie I have brewed mead for 20 years, and the batch Cynderhilde gave me to try was better than my best batch ever. Darkwing was a killer mead.
Cynderhilde Order of the Rose 9 2023-06-29 Ser Ravyn the Sage co-feastocrat at FOO 2022, and Feastocrat for DSXXIV
Damia Order of the Dragon 1 2023-10-11 Talon the Discerning Monster roleplay at Dungeon
Der Viertelmeister Master Griffin 10 2024-10-03 Cynderhilde DV has one of the best attitudes in amtgard, consistently takes shots he probably shouldn't because he felt it even if it barely connected. DV consistently has a good attitude on the field and will explain interactions during battlegames. Dv has not gotten a griffin in almost 10 years despite his regular.honorable performance on local.and kingdom battle fields
Ector of the sand Lord 1 2024-03-12 Lady Hera Faldare Ector of the Sand has continued being Prime Minister for Thor's Refuge, he has help out a lot of player in need. He also brings water to the park. He enter credits on time and award on time.
Ector of the sand Order of the Crown 4 2024-02-11 RoseThorn Compiling a passing audit for petitioning for land status upgrade to Barony.
Kritter Order of the Rose 3 2023-07-31 Lady Hera Faldare Making video and taking picture of Midreign summer of 2023
Marius of MV Man-at-Arms 1 2023-03-28 Lady Hera Faldare Belted by Lady Page Hera Faldare, He a good assassin.
Ohlanna De Mowbray, Lady Order of the Dragon 10 2024-10-27 Milan of Amber Azus Hand done scroll - impressive. at FoG 2024
Ohlanna De Mowbray, Lady Order of the Smith 3 2024-05-03 Talon the Discerning Out of office leadership. Designed an excellent spreadsheet to track finances for Darkshore
Puck Amber Luna Phoenix Order of Battle 5 2024-09-11 Penthesilea Darkholme Kicking ass at TR and Kingdom level
Puck Amber Luna Phoenix Paragon Assassin 2024-05-03 Talon the Discerning Have you seen their 150 small throwies? They're deadly accurate, including bouncing shots under shields.
Ser Ravyn the Sage Order of the Warrior 2 2022-10-10 Lord at arms Chicken a la Voidborne Battle Prowess
Silent Judge Custom Award 8 2023-05-10 Lady Hera Faldare On the behalf of silent judge, Lady Page Hera Faldare will take pictures so he can get an 8th Order of Rose award for Kingdom level event because doesn't want to go over where everyone is fighting because it is too tempting for him to fight, and cant with the injury he has. Note I tried to put in 8th Rose but because did already I had to fix the grammar as best I can, so I have to do a custom awa
Silent Judge Order of the Garber 3 2023-03-28 Lady Hera Faldare sewing event beltBelt favors for Darkshore 1st year making them.
Silent Judge Order of the Garber 4 2023-03-28 Lady Hera Faldare Simple of belt weaving for dragon master.
Silent Judge Order of the Rose 7 2023-03-28 Lady Hera Faldare Weaving several belts and knights belts through out Westmarch
Silent Judge Order of the Rose 9 2024-04-18 Lady Hera Faldare Silent Judge is Making Rings of Water-Walking (3) of them for Darkshore 2024 event.
Theos Corbie Order of the Lion 2 2024-07-28 Milan of Amber For serving on the Trailer search committee as one of the most active members
Theos Corbie Order of the Lion 3 2024-07-28 Milan of Amber For driving to go look at the actual trailer and negotiating with the seller and taking pictures and gathering information to report back to the trailer committee
Wolfclaw Order of the Dragon 1 2023-05-22 Gravekeeper Sir Spade the Laborious Hilarious Flurbing at Darkshore battlegames, a joy to see and interact with!