Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Ajax Bellweather Order of Battle 5 2024-02-12 Zariel Great use of his monk abilities. For example he will command a scout Lost nearly every time they go insub and waits for them to track themselves out.
Ajax Bellweather Order of the Garber 2 2024-02-12 Zariel Bringing new and monk garb to park.
Ajax Bellweather Order of the Jovius 1 2023-03-05 Darius Longstrider For promoting the fun, light hearted atmosphere of Amtgard and really getting into chaos roleplay
Ajax Bellweather Paragon Monk 1 2023-05-21 Zariel Always in monk attire.
Aloe Order of Battle 5 2023-10-13 Dagger In multiple games at Feast of Gods 2023, quietly snuck around teams to ruthlessly backstab entire lines.
Aloe Order of the Mask 10 2024-02-14 Talon the Discerning (already given a well-deserved Master Mask, just not the underlying Orders)
Ash Order of the Warrior 7 2023-08-27 Delu Maethor Winning Wyvern’s Spur Midreign.
Azerath Plaguemonger Order of Battle 3 2024-05-30 Zariel Great use of his skills on the battlefield.
Azerath Plaguemonger Order of the Rose 2 2024-07-01 Zariel Helping clean up the field after EVERY battlegame
Azerath Plaguemonger Order of the Warrior 1 2023-10-16 Zariel proficency in use of his spear
Azerath Plaguemonger Order of the Warrior 2 2024-04-23 Delu Maethor Has really progressed his abilities as a warrior and uses his glaive as a monk.
Azerath Plaguemonger Order of the Warrior 4 2024-05-30 Zariel Great use of his spear and his abilities.
Aziz Order of Battle 4 2024-02-12 Zariel Great use of his bow and where he places himself on the field
Azus Count 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning 6 terms as KPM
Azus Master Lion 2023-06-15 Dratz Castle storage, BOD, treasury, Helping PMs, Running lands, the list is honestly too long.
Azus Master Lion 2024-03-25 Dagger Same as Dratz's answer: Too many things. Now add the IT team to that list as well.CAAmtgard, our Facebook, our Discord, our Instagram... The list is needlessly long.
Azus Order of the Lion 10 2024-07-07 Talon the Discerning Leadership while not in Monarchy: chair of IT committee
Azus Order of the Rose 10 2024-03-25 Talon the Discerning For service unrelated to office: continuously maintaining Westmarch's digital assets.
Dagger Custom Award 2024-03-26 Talon the Discerning Steward for service as KGMR.
Dagger Order of the Crown 9 2024-05-30 Zariel Day 1 for dagger as monarch was a hit! with all this quests, battle games, magic items he has made his first few weeks as monarh so exciting at wyverns spur!
Dagger Order of the Griffin 5 2024-07-02 Talon the Discerning Dagger is a delight on the field. He optimizes for fun, not necessarily for "winning".
Dagger Order of the Hydra 2 2023-10-23 Talon the Discerning Creatively bringing attention to all things Corpora-related by qualifying for office in multiple parks.
Dagger Order of the Jovius 1 2024-02-12 Zariel Always comes out to park in monster garb and really portrays then in every battle game. Extreamly knowlable and helpful outside of battlegames and generally elevates every park he visits.
Dagger Order of the Lion 5 2024-05-08 Heron Lamana Dagger has ben doing a great job as a Rules Representative, and led discussion on the Battlegame Monster Handbook that was proposed for 2024. He also seems to be getting great engagement from the people of Westmarch, which is wonderful!
Dagger Order of the Lion 5 2024-07-20 Talon the Discerning Or higher. Continued superior service as Rules Rep
Dagger Paragon Wizard 1 2024-04-21 Delu Maethor Has great garb for a wizard and is able to play a variety of builds with great efficiency. They have great buffing builds, killing, and even support. Additionally they take time to teach and help players gain confidence in wizard.
Dagger Paragon Wizard 1 2024-05-30 Zariel able to teach wizard very well to new people as well as using various abilities during battle games. he knows how to think outside of the box with his abilities and is highly proficient at high level wizard.
Darius Longstrider Order of the Jovius 1 2023-05-10 Zariel Playing countless song tracks from his phone that are on point and hit the theme for a particular scene about to unfold. Always a positive energy and brings high energy to the park.
Darius Longstrider Order of the Jovius 2 2023-06-22 Lady Bridget For always being so positive & supportive of others at the park and during battles & quests!
Darius Longstrider Order of the Rose 6 2023-06-22 Lady Bridget For being an angaros and delivering angarium letters and packages for Lady Bridget's persian angarium to War of the Darkshore 2022 and Feast of Odin 2022.
Delu Maethor Baron 2024-02-14 Talon the Discerning Serving one complete term as Monarch of a Duchy
Delu Maethor Order of the Jovius 1 2023-10-11 Zariel During Gladiator games made a dad joke for every single number that came in. Mine was "who needs a guy named Kevin when we have a number 11!"
Delu Maethor Order of the Jovius 2 2023-10-11 Zariel Excellent team captain making sure everyone was taken care of and guided everyone through the events. Hyped up everyone on the field and forgaed alliances with other teams including the chang "SURF AND TURF"
Delu Maethor Order of the Smith 5 2024-07-01 Zariel Teaching new players and running battlegames
Dratz Baron 2023-06-30 Sebastion Term as monarch of a Duchy and growing the park!
Dratz Baron 1 2023-06-23 thistledown notagnome Term as monarch of a Duchy
Dratz Count 2023-10-12 Dagger Count, or other similar Tier VI title per the Corpora for serving in any combination of two of the following roles including Guildmaster of Reeves, Champion, Prime Minister
Dratz Count 2023-11-12 Talon the Discerning You can count on him. Superior service as KGMR, and as duchy monarch
Dratz Knight of the Flame 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Has 3 recommendations for Master Smith. Consider Knighthood, too
Dratz Order of the Crown 9 2023-10-12 Dagger In service to the kingdom as GMR, he increased the number of reeves across the lands by sponsoring a give-away to all new reeves. He has worked extremely closely with me in my position as rules representative to help with interpretation of complex rules issues, as well as providing excellent representation of our Kingdom across greater Amtgard.
Dratz Order of the Jovius 1 2023-05-23 Aust Valanthe Hosting, teaching, and moderating lighthearted and fun unscheduled games during Darkshore 2023
Dratz Order of the Rose 9 2023-10-26 Lady Bridget For his outstanding work as War-O-Crat at Feast of Gods: Athena 2023.
Eclipso Thaalman Page 1 2023-06-26 Lady Hera Faldare Doing service at Kingdom events and land level and got belted by Lady Hera Faldare at Darkshore.
Feste(s) Order of the Jovius 3 2023-10-09 Gravekeeper Sir Spade the Laborious I have never not seen this man smile
Feste(s) Order of the Walker in the Middle 10 2024-03-10 Delu Maethor Feste(s) is always on the field as a reeve.
Feste(s) Order of the Walker in the Middle 10 2024-03-14 Jimmy Whitehammer Festes is consistantly Reeve'ing games at park level and at FoG for a vast majority of the games over the last few years. Regularly participates in reeving tournaments. Is even keel adn a fair judge. Exhibits thoughtful decision making and is decisive.
Feste(s) Paragon Reeve 10 2024-03-10 Delu Maethor Feste(s) is one of the first people I think of when I think of reeves. Very knowledgeable and helpful
Greenwood Order of the Warrior 1 2023-05-24 Delu Maethor Shown massive development during fighting practices, working with Lee.
Jacqueline (Jackie) Thatcher Order of the Rose 7 2024-07-01 Zariel Helping fix loner equipment and helping establish wildmire
Jacqueline (Jackie) Thatcher Order of the Warrior 2 2023-10-16 Zariel Paticipating in Archery Tournament at Gathering of Kingdoms.
Jacqueline (Jackie) Thatcher Paragon Color 10 2023-06-22 Lady Bridget For being OUTSTANDING. Enthusiastic, supportive, donates sashes, gifts weapons, sews & crafts for all, photographs local & kingdom events, volunteered for 15 hrs (first-aid) at Darkshore 2023. Positive attitude, always in garb. Zariel & Jacqueline (joint award nomination) have done more for Westmarch in such a short period of time (3 mos) than I have or ever will. Lady Bridget/Paragon Color
Jamie of Wildwood Order of Battle 5 2024-05-30 Zariel continued use in abilities in battle games
Jamie of Wildwood Order of the Warrior 1 2024-07-01 Zariel Great short sword fighting on the field
Jimmy Whitehammer Lord 2023-12-30 Delu Maethor Jimmy has been an honorable fighter and leader within Westmarch. I'm not sure if there is a preferred alternate title but would have people close to him reach out.
Jimmy Whitehammer Order of the Crown 2 2024-05-30 Zariel Term as kingdom regent.
Jimmy Whitehammer Order of the Flame 1 2023-12-30 Delu Maethor Helping found The Seekers.
Jimmy Whitehammer Order of the Rose 6 2024-05-30 Zariel Not only holding fighter practice but also teaching new players the fundamentals of Amtgard and helping new players enter the hobby.
Jimmy Whitehammer Order of the Rose 7 2024-07-01 Zariel Helping build and check loaner weapons for wildmire
Jimmy Whitehammer Order of the Warrior 8 2024-05-09 Dash Winning the BP midreign combined archery and stick tourney. He ran the field of archers at their own game and showed what a proficient warrior he is.
Kiffin Order of the Dragon 1 2024-05-01 Gorovan Dramsson Monster Art for the V8 Battlegame Monster Handbook
Kiffin Order of the Dragon 5 2024-05-31 Talon the Discerning 3rd place in Amtpride Logo competition
Kiffin Order of the Rose 1 2024-05-01 Gorovan Dramsson Contributing art for the V8 Battlegame Monster Handbook
Lady Bridget Master Rose 1 2024-07-26 Alura Crengrove She goes above and beyond to set other players up for success. She just gifted an entire loom to a player promote interest in weaving.
Law Light Order of the Garber 1 2023-10-16 Zariel Much improvment in garb at FOG
Lee Order of the Warrior 6 2024-02-12 Zariel for being a menace on the battlefield.
Lee Paragon Reeve 10 2023-06-22 Lady Bridget For many years of service as a reeve. Outstanding Amtgard reeve whether it be a class battle or a complex quest.
Lord Bloodwolf Order of Battle 6 2023-10-13 Dagger Another player overlooked when Battles came out. Excellent use of multiple classes, particularly complex Wizard builds to be effective on the field.
Lord Bloodwolf Order of the Crown 7 2023-10-26 Lady Bridget For being the autocrat at Feast of Gods: Athena 2023. Unsung hero of California Amtgard. For all the work he does behind the scenes to make sure everything goes smoothly. Outstanding Amtgard member.-Lady Bridget
Magnus Order of the Warrior 1 2024-04-07 Delu Maethor Progress on the field.
Peet Miller Order of the Warrior 2 2023-10-16 Zariel impoved fighting with short sword and understanding of class abilities
Plague Order of the Rose 2 2023-06-22 Lady Bridget For being mindful of new players on the battlefield (on a day we had 66 sign-ins) - by encouraging them by talking them through the basics of foam combat during the battle.
Ser Attano Sagax Lord 1 2023-03-25 Sir Lharche Or'zuke Continously service to multiple kingdoms. She always has a smile and a kind word and is always willing tonhelp!
Ser Attano Sagax Order of the Rose 6 2024-06-29 Delu Maethor Donation of materials for local summer reign.
Ser Attano Sagax Order of the Smith 5 2024-05-29 Delu Maethor Teaching 2 classes at Darkshore Darkshore for chain making. The first was a bee and the second was a slightly harder butterfly pattern. Helped people of various skill levels to quickly figure out how to make it. They made it fun and intrigued people to keep making things.
Ser Attano Sagax Paragon Anti-Paladin 1 2024-04-21 Delu Maethor Attano effectively uses all of their abilities and perfect AP garb. When they step on the field not only do they appear to be the definition of an Anti Paladin.
Test by azus Custom Award 2023-07-24 Azus 11th Owl! Mostly to see if it's possible to recommend an 11th order (I'm of the belief we need not stop at 10, if a person keeps going)
The Raven King Order of the Warrior 2 2023-05-21 Zariel Prowess on the battlefield. Giving his all in every short sword fight.
The Raven King Paragon Assassin 1 2023-05-21 Zariel Always laced up in black and all matching garb.
thistledown notagnome Knight of the Crown 2024-04-07 Delu Maethor Devoted time as a PM and excelled despite numerous challenges. Always is able to help people learn the roles.
thistledown notagnome Knight of the Crown 2024-01-29 Talon the Discerning Persistent, dedicated service at all levels of the kingdom across many reigns
thistledown notagnome Knight of the Crown 1 2024-02-07 Milan of Amber I first met Thistledown when he was one of the few who made the trek from NorCal to San Diego to attend a small tournament to support us in ~2011. I think people don't recommend him for it because it is just assumed he is a knight. From his tireless efforts to assist the kingdom, he travels, befriends all, and genuinely cares about the individual and the group. This is well past due.
thistledown notagnome Knight of the Serpent 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Creativity and dedication to the arts and weapon technology
thistledown notagnome Knight of the Serpent 2024-04-07 Delu Maethor Continually builds and invents new technologies for Amtgard. I remember a hand mounted cross bow, quivers, artistic bow, ornate armor and many many other things. He’s a true master of the craft.
thistledown notagnome Master Crown 10 2023-06-22 Lady Bridget Outstanding monarch of Westmarch (F2022-Spr2023). Traveled to all 18+ lands in California, attended the Zombie Counterstrike events. Admired throughout the kingdom for his dedication and devotion to Amtgard.
thistledown notagnome Order of Battle 8 2024-01-29 Talon the Discerning And paragon archer
thistledown notagnome Order of the Owl 10 2023-07-30 Delu Maethor Thistledown has been developing new archery tech for many months now showing constant innovation and refinement. He's created a new quiver system. He's taken the time to not only make it effective but aesthetically pleasing as well. Additionally he has been refining his leather armor and hand crossbow.
Tiger Order of the Owl 1 2024-04-23 Delu Maethor Built his first sword.
Tiger Order of the Owl 2 2024-04-23 Delu Maethor Made his first spell balls.
Umbriel Order of the Griffin 1 2024-02-12 Zariel He dies well and often. He will not shy away from a fight even from a higher caliber opponent. He takes and calls his shots really well.
Umbriel Order of the Owl 1 2024-04-23 Delu Maethor Built his own throwies for Scout class
Umbriel Order of the Warrior 2 2024-02-12 Zariel No afriad to get into a fight. Even if he feels the opponent is of a higher caliber he still will not shy away from a fight.
Umbriel Order of the Warrior 2 2024-04-23 Delu Maethor Attends fighter practice regularly and has learned how to fight well.
Volante Order of the Owl 3 2024-06-03 Talon the Discerning Great innovation and progress towards a hinged weapon with foam chain links
Will AF Order of Battle 5 2024-05-30 Zariel showing BRAVERY when they are scared and putting themselves against the front line as a healer. *video to prove it*
Zathor Order of the Griffin 3 2024-02-12 Zariel Great at taking and calling his shots on the battlefield