Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Aidan Order of the Hellrider 1 2023-04-15 Aidan Oil filter failed on the way to NLCC spring 2023. Arrived late but still made it to the event.
Aidan Paragon Assassin 2022-06-28 Baron Hated Holydragon For being so tall he can remain undetected. Steady aim with throwing weapons and not to be underestimated.
Archduke Saint Von Jester Order of Battle 10 2024-09-15 Viscount Sir Canthor Syren Archmage of Arcane Dominance Having both faced and work with him on multiple occasions he has proven to be a driving force behinds his team as well as keeping up morale even when his team may not be winning.
Archduke Saint Von Jester Paragon Monk 2024-09-15 Viscount Sir Canthor Syren Archmage of Arcane Dominance Having seen his play as monk for years in the kingdom of the desert winds he knows the class inside and out.
Baron Sweet Chunk Order of Battle 10 2022-04-04 Skeeter Everhard consistently leading an ever evolving motley crew of people in battlegames where ever he finds himself -Gordon Greyhawk
Baron Sweet Chunk Order of the Rose 9 2024-03-24 Murphy O\'hUgin For consideration towards their next Rose, helping with Thursday dinner at NLCC Spring 2024
Beatrix Custom Award 1 2024-01-15 Zhu Li Ice Valkyrie: Enthusiastic participating in Morrigan during 20° weather
Beatrix Order of the Mask 4 2024-07-20 Cole Risteska For her persona Dreadlord during her reign of IO champion.
Castle Alair Big Father Dayore Order of Battle 8 2022-10-04 Skeeter Everhard Is a paragon Warrior
Cole Risteska Order of the Garber 9 2024-09-09 Lefty Peanuts themed Tunic entered at CtL Fall Classic 2024.
Damian (DogBoy) Duke 2022-02-13 Matriarch Guin Llewellyn Dogboy served our group as Prince 3times- and the third time he became our first King. Our kingdom did him a disservice 10 years ago. Instead of acknowledging his work as our Monarch. He deserves the title of Duke.
Damian (DogBoy) Order of the Rose 7 2022-01-22 Mithius Silverbow For the creation of the Borealis Flex, a hybrid of the digital and in person aspect of fighting
Damian (DogBoy) Order of the Smith 7 2022-01-22 Mithius Silverbow For the Running of the Borealis Flex
Eldwynn Order of the Warrior 5 2022-11-17 Sir Lucas OL IV For his overall performance in the Desert Wind's Kingdom Warmaster
Gwenhwvar Order of the Rose 9 2024-03-29 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke helped cook & serve feast at NLCC spring 24
Hawk Ravenwynd Baroness 2024-02-08 Talon the Discerning Two terms of service as Regent of Westmarch
Hawk Ravenwynd Master Crown 10 2023-06-16 Takara They have 10 crowns and deserve to be recognized for their hard work in the game.
Hawk Ravenwynd Order of the Rose 10 2022-03-27 Ursa Runa Leicaster Hawk jumped into the kitchen for feast at NLCC spring 2022 and offered her hands towards a chaotic and time crunched feast. Excellent, gracious and patient... deserving.
Hawk Ravenwynd Order of the Rose 10 2024-03-29 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke helped serve feast at NLCC Spring 24
Hawk Ravenwynd Order of the Rose 10 2024-11-10 Kizmit Hawk has provided assistance in numerous ways on numerous occasions. At park, Kingdom Level Events, and events. In the NL and in other Kingdoms. If help is needed, Hawk is willing to provide.
Hawk Ravenwynd Order of the Rose 10 2024-11-10 D'Gar If something needs done, Hawk will step in and help.Running brackets and scoring at tournaments to helping in the kitchen. It's a culmination of work.
Hawk Ravenwynd Order of the Warrior 4 2022-04-23 Battlefield Prowess as an Archer, field control and targeting crucial players on the field.
Imogen Order of the Crown 8 2022-10-12 Sir Lharche Or'zuke Exceptional Service in the office as Kingdom Prime Minister
Imogen Order of the Rose 5 2022-10-12 Sir Lharche Or'zuke Continued Service to the group, She is always willing to step in and help whenever asked!
Joker Time Lord 2023-03-27 Skeeter Everhard Years of dedication and service to the Kingdom
Joker Time Master Griffin 4 2023-06-25 Baron Hated Holydragon very honorable during kingdom weaponmaster 6-25-23
Justinius Master Jovius 1 2021-08-31 Hawk Ravenwynd Positive attitude
Justinius Order of the Griffin 6 2023-06-25 Baron Hated Holydragon very honorable during kingdom weaponmaster 6-25-23
Justinius Order of the Warrior 9 2022-06-01 Crow Over 100 kills and cycling through a kingdom level bearpit line nearly 3 times without dying
Justinius Order of the Warrior 9 2023-03-26 Durnik Aldursvale Darkjester 1st place at the tourney at nlcc
Justinius Paragon Assassin 2022-06-28 Baron Hated Holydragon Always able to sneak behind enemy lines even when seen. Challenging opponent with melee and throwing weapons. Excellent use of abilitys
kendric Order of the Griffin 2 2023-07-17 Lord Zedakiah Massacre Excellent honour, delightful to fight against at 5 and under 7/16/23
Killian Order of Battle 5 2022-11-06 Ursa Runa Leicaster Plays exceptionally when he plays in class quests such as Rutledge Cornmmaze 2022
Killian Order of the Dragon 6 2023-12-14 Count Thad the Impaler (Thaddigren Dentiata) Endless Fighter Practice Memes
Killian Order of the Jovius 2 2021-08-31 Hawk Ravenwynd Always positive attitude
Killian Order of the Rose 9 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Judging Dragon Master at Summer Midreign 2024
Lalailom Risteska Order of the Dragon 7 2024-12-14 Dartz Arrowfox Best in Garber for 2024 Dragonmaster, and only 0.03 points away from winning Dragonmaster
Lalailom Risteska Order of the Rose 10 2024-03-11 Ursa Runa Leicaster Organizing the materials and logistics of her sewing classes for ECCC
Matriarch Guin Llewellyn Master Rose 1 2022-07-05 MonkeyMan Summer Midreign 2022
Matriarch Guin Llewellyn Master Rose 1 2022-02-04 Mithius Silverbow For continuing beneficial service to Amtgard which has improved the Kingdom and game with an excellence for all involved
Matriarch Guin Llewellyn Order of the Zodiac 1 2022-02-25 Mithius Silverbow Creation of QR code pamphlets for NL members to give out
Matriarch Guin Llewellyn Paragon Healer 1 2022-04-05 Sir Jameson O'Malley at spring war 2022 Guin used her abilitys in 2 dif games to keep me alive a healer so i could 1. shoot people repeatedly 2. teach me how a abilty works so when i went behind enemy lines i could whoop some ass she needs deserves this BIG time!!! What else is odd i have never seen a healer use these abilitys down hear at the CK so it def shows a deep understanding
Matrix Order of the Smith 1 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Setting up a hair dressing station amd keeping NL looking fresh at multiple campout events.
Matrix Order of the Warrior 7 2025-02-11 Baron Kulos Rubus 1st place at The Hollow Warskill 2/9/2025
Matrix Paragon Assassin 2024-03-16 Ursa Runa Leicaster Is a tenacious assassin, he comes up with inventive ways to use weapons, attached throwies and generally be a menace to any battlegamer at large. He embodies the meaning of assassin when he plays the class.
MonkeyMan Order of the Rose 10 2024-12-15 Kodiak Rubus For relentless volunteering, at every campout he's on multiple teams, staying late to clean the gross things, and separately ongoing tournament reeving.
MonkeyMan Order of the Rose 10 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Helping EVERY WHERE at Summer Midreign 2024. Reeving, kitchen, Security, Gate, he did it all!
MonkeyMan Order of the Rose 10 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora This guy is incredible! He is an absolute BOSS and stepped in absolutely EVERYWHERE to help with summer midreign 24. EVERYWHERE!!! (also helped jump car batteries)
Moonlily Order of the Rose 3 2024-06-08 Aidan Helping clean up supplies from the field after battle games at IO KLE.
Murphy O\'hUgin Order of the Dragon 9 2023-03-28 Baron Hated Holydragon Feast o crat of NLCC March 2023 and creating an amazing feast feeding around twice as many people as expected
Murphy O\'hUgin Order of the Rose 6 2024-03-29 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke helping serve multiple meals at NLCC spring 2024
Murphy O\'hUgin Order of the Rose 7 2024-03-29 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke donating meal at nlcc spring 2024 out of own pocket
Nox Vox Caedes Order of Battle 1 2022-07-12 Matriarch Guin Llewellyn Worked well on a team with me at SH 7/9/22. Played a Druid and was one of the reasons our team was winning!
Nox Vox Caedes Order of the Mask 1 2023-05-28 Balor Fomori For awesome during his public execution. Nox played his part and brought much joy and many laughs st K Stars 2023.
Oromis Custom Award 5 2022-03-27 Ursa Runa Leicaster Order of the Hunter. He is a sick archer.
Oromis Master Smith 2024-06-28 Skeeter Everhard Oromis for years has been a cornerstone in this kingdom when it comes to teaching and event organizing. Few reach a level of competency and confidence that he displays. He has spent countless hours fostering a younger generation of organizers and players. His classes are varied as are his skillsets. Our kingdom should be honored to have such a qualifed member in it's midst.
Prost Order of the Griffin 3 2023-10-04 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants At NLCC Fall 2023: Prost was voted "Player's Choice: Most-Honorable-Player" via a player survey given to people who participated in the magic tournament. Great attitude in-game.
Rafael Order of the Flame 1 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Serving feast at summer midreign 24
Rafael Order of the Flame 4 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Helping serve feast at Summer Midreign 2024
Sin Order of the Jovius 1 2023-12-13 Shadow Silverblade Excellent attitude on and off the field
Sin Order of the Mask 3 2023-01-31 Ganre Provided delightful commentary for the Rising Winds VirtYule!
Skorri Boros Master Rose 2 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Reeving battle games at Summer Midreign 2024
Squire Calidran Lightbane Baronet 2022-04-17 Mithius Silverbow For the Founding of Inland Ocean in 1996 and serving 2 years as part of its triumvirate.
Stabythe Custom Award 1 2024-01-15 Zhu Li Ice Valkyrie: Enthusiastic participating in Morrigan during 20° weather
Steel Order of the Lion 6 2024-03-29 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke showing leadership in the kitchen during NLCC Spring 24 feast
Unum Xuul Paragon Barbarian 2022-06-28 Matriarch Guin Llewellyn When I think of barbarians in the northern lights Unum always comes to mind.
Xantia Custom Award 1 2024-01-15 Zhu Li Ice Valkyrie: Enthusiastic participating in Morrigan during 20° weather
Zhu Li Custom Award 1 2024-01-15 Zhu Li Ice Valkyrie: Enthusiastic participating in Morrigan during 20° weather
Zhu Li Order of the Jovius 1 2022-10-24 Kodiak Rubus Consistently a joy to be on the field with! Always lots of smiles and laughs that are contagious.