Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Aku Order of the Owl 1 2024-11-06 Inari Wolf Legal short sword
Albel Order of the Rose 10 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora On top of being Gate crat, helped reeve battlegames, working security, helped clean up, helped keep my sanity
Angelline Aurora Master Dragon 1 2022-10-31 Skeeter Everhard Years of dedication to her many crafts. She has shown a Mastery of her crafts in multiple kingdoms, from The Wetland to The Celestial Kingdom, Northern Lights and Black Spire to boot. When she isn't competing herself she is helping to run competitions. If one were to look for a master of a craft they need to look no further than Angelline
Angelline Aurora Master Dragon 1 2023-03-30 Q Culmination of lots of unrecognized work all demonstrating skill and knowledge of her crafts. Included in this are the knighting chains made for Miller and Michael Murphy, the scroll made for Sir Zandar, the crochet chain in her office as well as many other projects. She has shown ingenuity and creativity in may of her projects, and was overlooked at NLCC Spring 2023.
Angelline Aurora Master Dragon 10 2023-03-29 Crow Chainweave adept. Countless projects completed in 'court garb standard' expert manner. Most tight and complicated weaves, Continued service to our organization.
Angelline Aurora Order of the Dragon 10 2022-10-31 Skeeter Everhard Creation of Sir Nevron's Court Chain and Casual Chain. The court chain is a mixture of serpentine weaves as well as Byzantine weave.
Angelline Aurora Order of the Dragon 10 2024-08-13 Miller Angellines skill and dedication is there, they have beyond demonstrated over the last few years but they can relied on when it comes to high level projects. In my opinion the level of their skill has shown for a long time throughout a multitude of signature and unique projects. Shown true dedication to the kingdom when it comes to service and being here for the long run.
Blood Fenrir Starsnatcher Order of the Rose 2 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Sitting gate at Summer Midreign 2024
Cemetairy Order of the Hunter 1 2025-01-10 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Consistent use of their bow on the field to affect the game in favor of their team.
Cemetairy Order of the Griffin 1 2025-01-10 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Consistent displays of Honor on the battlefield.
Cemetairy Order of the Warrior 1 2025-01-10 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Consistent use of their favorite weapon to inflict as much damage on the field so that their team can win.
Crow Baron 2024-02-27 Skeeter Everhard dude has multiple years worth of service in office. It is a travesty that he doesn't have a title
Crow Lord 1 2023-09-25 Hard Place Crow has supported SM and done much over the years. He is deserving of his lord title.
Crow Order of Battle 6 2024-09-22 Lenalin Ability play and counter play in the druid class
Crow Order of the Jovius 2 2024-12-30 Morkere On a visit to Greenwood Keep, Crow was absolutely enjoyable to watch. He brought a sence of fun to the battlefield, and interacted with a new player in a way that was engaging without being overwhelming. He made big pushes and hammed up the results when they didn't work, and made a few laughable death throes. Good times and a great ambassador!
Crow Order of the Rose 7 2024-09-15 Strix Really great tournament reeving at Fall Classic.
Crow Order of the Warrior 7 2025-02-09 Thorfin Hillbreaker For placing First in the SM Warskill tournament
Crow Paragon Druid 1 2023-08-15 Thorfin Hillbreaker For epic use of abilities on the field. Know when and where their abilities are best used during a battle, also teaches as much as they can to people still trying to learn the class. Has a paragon attitude on and off the field when it comes to druidness
Gilgamesh Order of the Rose 5 2024-07-21 Silent Sinner for going above and beyond to help out other while on the field and off the field to always be available when asked for help
Goose Order of Battle 1 2025-01-26 Inari Wolf Skills and knowledge of warrior class
Goose Order of the Owl 3 2025-01-26 Inari Wolf For the axe he made
Goose Order of the Owl 3 2025-02-09 Thorfin Hillbreaker For a well crafted great weapon entered at SM crown laureate that scored a 4.26 overall
Gordon of Greyhawk Order of the Hunter 4 2023-08-02 tansy the mildly noxious That one time a man in full plate was wandering through sprinker and gordon shot him accurately from across the field multiple times including blind, with multiple arrows, and with many distractions. Each shot was dead on, as is nearly every arrow Gordon fires.
Gordon of Greyhawk Baronet 2023-08-04 Skeeter Everhard years of volunteer work and service to the game
Gordon of Greyhawk Order of Battle 10 2023-05-06 Q 20+ years undefeated in wars with Black Company
Gordon of Greyhawk Order of the Flame 4 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for volunteer work during RQ summer 2023
Gordon of Greyhawk Order of the Rose 9 2023-04-02 tansy the mildly noxious offering emotional, medical, and other support to various amtgarders at NLCC fall including modifying garb, counselling players having a rough time, and wrapping an injured foot
Hack The Invisible Order of the Rose 8 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Security crat at summer midreign 24
Hack The Invisible Order of the Rose 8 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Security crat Summer Migreign 2024
Hard Place Esquire 2023-04-22 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Having worked his blood. sweat. and tears into not only the bones of The Sleeping Giant known as Shrouding Mist, as well as the Kingdom of the Northern Lights, he has also instilled joy, pride, and happiness in countless people through teaching both on the field and off. He has enriched the land, kingdom, and it's people with his love of combat and crafting. Hardplace is a joyous light to us all.
Hard Place Esquire 2023-04-23 Thorfin Hillbreaker For all his hard work over the years providing for not just the kingdom but for his land. Weather it was teaching people how to make sword and shields but also his teachings in the plastidip arts. Any time the hardplace is needed he is there ready and willing. He has help many on and off the field. Towards amtgarders in need
Hard Place Esquire 1 2023-07-21 Miller Hardplace has made it clear that he has always desired to possess the title of esquire. Nor does he care if it is a lesser title than the Lord title that he already holds.
Hard Place Esquire 2022-08-18 Miller hardplace has helped have a huge impact on the betterment and positive changes that have been made with shrouding mist for a long time, the amount of things that he does behind the scenes with the park as well as player mentorship is staggering and in my personal opinion has gone unnoticed for way to long
Hard Place Knight of the Serpent 1 2022-09-07 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants Hard Place is everything a Knight of the Serpent should be. He is a master craftsman of great renown, whose fantastic shields are easily the best in the Kingdom. Hardplace is an accomplished teacher, always willing to share his wisdom and insights. Hardplace is an honorable man. He is ethical, principled, noble, and decent. I can think of no one more deserving of a green-and-white belt.
Hard Place Master Dragon 1 2023-03-27 Q The artistry inherent in plastidip work is a sight to behold, and few artists in this kingdom can compare to Hard Place's work. Not only do his creations look amazing, they last the test of time. No person looks at one of Hard Place's plastidip art and says "Eh, it's alright". For this, he should receive his 9th, 10th, and Master Dragons.
Hard Place Master Rose 1 2023-07-21 Miller Continually serves copious amounts of delicious high quality food that he cooks himself in neutral non-segregated places to anyone that's willing to eat it. Staggering player mentorship on and off the field with arts and Sciences, fighting, and battle gaming, as well as general Amtgard wisdom.
Hard Place Master Rose 1 2023-04-02 tansy the mildly noxious For passing on his plasti-dip expertise for the good of amtgard; for example sharing important knowledge with various members of the kingdom including Thorfin, Smasher, Pain, and Tansy (who had zero experience with plasti-dip or foam at all) as well as always offering accurate and helpful tips to other artisans on improving their skills and projects.
Hard Place Master Rose 1 2023-03-27 Q This man has made THOUSANDS of dollars worth of plastidip weapons and shields, many for the kingdom, at little to no compensation. The lion's share of them were individual random gifts to people, not commissions. He simply wanted to make nice things for people and elevate the game. This has been happening for years. He is exceedingly deserving of his 9th, 10th, and Master Rose.
Hard Place Order of the Griffin 9 2024-06-09 tansy the mildly noxious Amazing honour at the Weaponmaster at IO on June 8 2024; while in brackets Hardplace simoed repeatedly with competitors, resetting multiple times and taking hits on close fights that lesser fighters may not have even noticed.
Hard Place Order of the Zodiac 2 2023-07-31 Kanphuzian Duskwalker continuously making plasticized items and then gifting them to others while never asking and always refusing compensation.
Hard Place Paragon Paladin 2024-03-17 Ursa Runa Leicaster Is an absolute threat on the field as a Paladin. Uses his abilities and distinguishes himself among the paladins in the kingdom.
Het Feywalker Order of the Dragon 3 2023-05-27 Sir Lord Horns the Crazed Ronin My knighting belt
Het Feywalker Order of the Rose 9 2022-11-07 Sir Lharche Or'zuke Spending multiple events helping in the kitchen and at gate and wherever he is needed. Not only at recent events but over the course of years in multiple kingdoms.
Het Feywalker Order of the Rose 9 2023-07-03 Lady Christine (Wench) always providing service to the game in any way needed
Het Feywalker Order of the Rose 9 2024-03-29 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke helping serve feast at NLCC spring 2024 and staying in the kitchen during court to make more rice, cut brownies and making sure that seconds / dessert is ready after court
Het Feywalker Paragon Druid 2023-05-30 Bahyurur, Lord of Light Het has beyond proven his knowledge and capability as druid, beyond that he garbs excellently and can offer instruction to other players at any level. To me Het is the ideal Paragon druid.
Het Feywalker Paragon Druid 2022-10-05 Rook Whitehallow Het's knowledge of Battlegame rules and the Druid class meet the standard for Paragonhood. They have for years, but due to the nature of his moving from Blackspire to Northern Lights, he seems to have fallen through the cracks. Het is one of the best druids I know, and is an exemplar of what I would deem the standards for Paragonhood.
Het Feywalker Paragon Druid 1 2022-06-25 Sir Lharche Or'zuke Supreme knowledge and skill in the class of druid. He is constantly in the heat of battle and offering up scary abilities!
Inari Wolf Order of the Dragon 8 2025-02-09 Thorfin Hillbreaker For entering a beautiful handcrafted wand at SM Crown Laureate scoring and average of 4.07
Inari Wolf Order of the Rose 8 2025-02-09 Thorfin Hillbreaker For donating 3 items to the iron serpent for 3 players in need
Ishva the Exile Order of the Dragon 3 2023-04-04 Angelline Aurora Bringing out his drum and playing during battlegames
Ishva the Exile Order of the Dragon 4 2023-04-04 Angelline Aurora Many, many years of playing his dum as background for battlegames
Ishva the Exile Paragon Barbarian 2022-01-09 Thorfin Hillbreaker Displaying the nature of a barbarian on and off the field while playing barbarian to his fullest potential
Justice Order of the Griffin 1 2024-12-15 Inari Wolf Honor on battlefield
Justice Order of the Owl 1 2025-01-26 Inari Wolf First legal sword
Justice Order of the Warrior 1 2024-12-15 Inari Wolf Battlefield prowess
Kanphuzian Duskwalker Order of the Rose 9 2022-03-31 Rowyn Knutesdottir Advocates for player recognition of skill and ability on and off the battlefield. Currently pushing players to advocate and recognize themselves and others for award recommendations. Looks out for new and veteran players to recover recognition for their work and efforts.
Kanphuzian Duskwalker Order of the Smith 10 2022-02-08 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Taught a detailed class on all things relating to making flatblades while making a flatblade dagger live in the Winter 2022 Online Ithra.
Kat Darkjester Order of the Flame 1 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Helping close down the kitchen after Feast, while the dishwasher and sinks were broken and unable to be used.
Larpdad Esquire 2022-09-07 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants Larpdad has made significant contributions to the game by filming battles, tutorials, and duels, editing them, and uploading them to YouTube. His channel is well-known even outside our home Kingdom. His work is a great recruiting tool for the community, cultivating an interest even among non-Amtgarders. I ask that he be allowed to join our noble peerage, and be elevated to Esquire.
Larpdad Paragon Color 2022-01-17 Matriarch Guin Llewellyn If there’s one thing Larpdad does, is wear garb, have a chill attitude, and help promote Amtgard with his sweet YouTube videos. He’s a great supporter of our game.
Luminary Galuria Arrowfox Custom Award 1 2024-01-15 Zhu Li Ice Valkyrie: Enthusiastic participating in Morrigan during 20° weather
Luminary Galuria Arrowfox Master Dragon 2024-04-29 Rosheka Seral The portrayal of her character(s) within the game is truly what allows us to have a phenomenal and fun game. Without role-playing, and her bringing her character(s) to the game, Amtgard in the NL wouldn't be a "Live Action Roleplay", but instead be "Live Action Foam Fighting".
Luminary Galuria Arrowfox Master Dragon 10 2024-09-09 Klar Her commitment to capturing memories of events is very important to everyone. Going back and seeing pictures of battles and people gathering is a nice cherry on top of the excitement.
Luminary Galuria Arrowfox Order of the Dragon 10 2024-04-29 Rosheka Seral Brings forth bright and beautiful characters to the Role-playing aspect of the game. She truly puts the RP in LARP, bringing interesting stories and lore into the game.
Luminary Galuria Arrowfox Paragon Color 1 2024-01-18 Lord Zedakiah Massacre Always going above and beyond to aid others and uplift everyone at amtgard as much as possible. even when unable to fight, always willing to roleplay as npc's or help out in other ways. A great influence on many throughout amtgard.
Lux Order of the Rose 2 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Serving gate at Summer Midreign 2024
Malferius Master 2022-12-30 Kanphuzian Duskwalker This is for the tittle of Master. Served multiple terms with excelence as Ducal Champion of Shrouding Mist. Meets Criteria.
Malferius Order of the Rose 5 2023-09-03 Sir Lord Monkey For hosting and running SMC 2023.
Miller Baron 2023-04-17 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Miller, at Shrouding Mist, was Elected as Monarch from 08/04-03/05, was Pro Tem Monarch of Shrouding Mist from 9-14-2020 to 9-19-2020, and was elected Monarch of Shrouding Mist from September 2020 - March 2021. Miller has earned this title without question.
Miller Baron 2023-05-02 Sir Lord Monkey For years of dedicated service to SM in multiple positions
Miller Baron 1 2023-04-17 Thorfin Hillbreaker Serving Shrouding Mist in everyway imaginable for many years
Miller Baron 1 2023-04-18 Crow Exemplary Service. Pillar of the community and dedication to the land of SM
Miller Master Lion 7 2023-04-03 Balor Fomori Sir Miller has consistently taken time to work with new players as well as those that come to him in order to teach them all levels of combat from basic to advanced. It is my belief that Sir Millers teaching have led to many around NL taking notice of our novice fighters within their first year of play.
Miller Master Smith 10 2023-06-23 Hard Place Miller has taught countless champions their craft, he has helped many of our best champions and game runners learn and grow. While it has gone in many ways unnoticed, few can claim to have had a greater impact on local battle gaming.
Miller Order of the Dragon 9 2023-12-25 Kimjin Miller is truly a bard. For years and years he's been performing and making music and poems/speeches all through the kingdoms. More than worthy of multiple awards on the dragon path for work overlooked in the last few years. Wee woos lord title. Justin's lord title and speech for his tourney. Performing Romani music he wrote. Speech for tombstone shield and the beautiful words on my knight scroll
Miller Order of the Dragon 9 2024-03-25 Bun (Just Bun) Miller is easily one of the best speech givers In northern lights and has a way with words for them to flow off his silver tongue as only a bard could. He has given multiple speeches that touch peoples hearts in amtgard some can find themselves saying "oh it's just a title I got whatever" but millers speeches have changed the game and convey the idea of awards and titles like no one else
Miller Order of the Jovius 7 2023-03-30 Crow SM and Amtgard 'go to' poster child for a good spirited amtgarder. Worldwide traveler that brings joy to everywhere he visits. Millers good attitude and honor knows no bounds.
Miller Order of the Lion 9 2023-10-05 Hard Place Mentoring players at the kingdom level. Miller has many apprentices and constantly teaches classes, battle gamming and stick fighting. Miller has mentored many kingdom champions and has assisted many in executing the duties of their office over the years. Helping create day of the ditch and encouraging cross gaming.
Miller Order of the Smith 10 2024-09-22 Lenalin Tournament Crat Fall Classic 2024 / Saturday Game block runner for 2 other events since getting his 9th as well. Please reach out with further questions so I can speak on his excellence.
Miller Order of the Smith 10 2023-06-23 Hard Place Few people in our kingdom have ran as many games as Miller, or can run them as efficiently. Few people have ran as many tourneys for archery and melee and with a variety of formats. Countless classes on playing specific classes. Basically he more then deserves his 10th smith.
Miller Order of the Smith 10 2024-09-15 Strix Running two extremely smooth tournaments at Fall classic.
Miller Paragon Monk 2024-09-23 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Viscount Miller embodies the class, utilizes his abilities to help push his compatriots to victory, knows other classes and how to play against them, teaches everyone from the newest to the oldest players. (He also won the Monk Tourney at GWK). As a Paragon Monk, I fully endorse Viscount Miller to be granted Paragon Monk.
Miller Paragon Monk 2024-10-29 Scyph Kordaghn Won the Monk Tourney and showed outstanding prowess at not only using his monk abilities effectively, but also has amazing monk block skills. I even have a hard time trying to land shots while he's playing a monk. 100% deserved in my opinion.
Miller Paragon Monk 10 2024-09-23 Twixter It's Miller. Honestly as a paragon monk I thought he already had it. He uses his ability's effectively and quickly. He is always in the right spot at the right time and he recently won't the monk tourney
Moon Moon Wulf Order of the Rose 2 2022-10-05 Emi rose For helping at gate at pac war
Oblitus vir Order of the Rose 1 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for volunteer work during RQ summer 2023
Oblitus vir Order of the Warrior 4 2022-06-20 Skeeter Everhard Battlefield prowess
Phoenix Order of the Warrior 5 2024-09-25 Crow Battlefield prowess at KLE events and Fall Classic
Phoenix Order of the Warrior 6 2024-09-25 Crow Winning the 5th and under tounament
Pixxen Order of the Dragon 1 2024-09-19 Gilgamesh diamond cross-stitch
Rage Lord 2023-09-11 Skeeter Everhard For years of dedication to his land and company. Inspiring dozens of folks over the decades to excel in their various paths and projects
Rage Lord 1 2023-09-25 Inari Wolf For years of game play, service, devotion and loyalty to the game and to Shrouding Mist
Rage Paragon Assassin 2024-03-17 Ursa Runa Leicaster Turns the tides of his side of the battle with this class, knows the ins and outs and is exceptional as an assassin
Rage Paragon Assassin 2024-05-24 Inari Wolf For his skills and usage of the class on the battlefield and the numerous deaths caused by his generous supply of small throwies (as copied/learned from Lord Cutter)
Rage Paragon Assassin 1 2023-11-24 Thorfin Hillbreaker For knowing the ins and outs of the class and how to utilize the class to work as a teach to achieve the goal of the mission and is always willing and able to lend a helping hand to help those who don't know or that don't understand the class
Rage Warlord 10 2024-11-25 Thorfin Hillbreaker Rage is an absolute beast with a weapon dominating the field during any game. He has proven time and time again that he has the skill and heart of a warlord. No one can deny Rages dedication. He a great teacher for anyone that wants to learn how to swing stick. Even when you don't ask he will tell you how to block strikes that he killed you with. He is very deserving of this status.
Rage JR Order of the Warrior 5 2025-02-09 Inari Wolf Placing 3rd in SM Warskills tournament spring 2025
Rage JR Order of the Warrior 5 2025-02-09 Thorfin Hillbreaker For placing 3rd in SM Warskill tournament
Richard Pickman Order of the Griffin 4 2024-10-10 Morkere During a quest, Richard and I found ourselves repeatedly dueling each other, so we continued the "tradition" in following battlegames. Richard would always accept my challenge, and would give up advantage to do so. He repeatedly positioned himself to block archery so our duels could proceed, and would not engage targets of opportunity while we were engaged. Great fun with great honor!
Rosheka Seral Paragon Bard 2024-02-23 Allanon Titanson Has demonstrated diverse knowledge and play styles of bard. effectively using all of them on the field to great degree.
Rosheka Seral Paragon Bard 2024-02-23 Baron Hated Holydragon Strong in all playstyles of bard. Knows how to be effective for his team and annoy the enemy. Exactally what i think a paragon bard should be
Rosheka Seral Paragon Bard 2024-03-12 Raskka The G.O.A.Ted goat bard who plays his heart out every time he steps on the field. He shows off versatility and prowess in all aspects of bard, and excitedly discusses strategy/techniques with anyone and everyone about playing Bard.
Rosheka Seral Paragon Bard 2024-03-16 Ursa Runa Leicaster Demonstrates skill and experience of that of a paragon level
Rosheka Seral Paragon Bard 1 2024-10-02 Luminary Galuria Arrowfox You cannot spell BARD with out first spelling GOAT. Rosheka embodies his class not only in ability but in RP too. He is entertaining on the field and is always teaching and inspiring others to play BARD.
Rosheka Seral Paragon Bard 1 2024-03-17 Bun (Just Bun) Effective use of all bard abilitys including songs as well as great battlefield awareness regarding his abilities ie, hears someone start charging across the field and comes to provide song of power
Rosheka Seral Paragon Bard 1 2024-03-28 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter Inbodies bardic presence. Promote to paragon bard ahead of peers
Seren Idanikos Baronet 2021-11-02 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Regent for the Barony of Blade's Edge March 2020/Sept 2020 Baron for the Barony of Blade's Edge Sept 2020 - March 2021 pro-tem PM for a few months before being elected into the office for the Summer 2021 reign (March 2020 - Sept 2021) for the Barony of Blade's Edge. She is the current Prime Minister of the Barony of Blade's Edge. In the almost 2 years she has been in amtgard she has held an o
Seren Idanikos Order of the Smith 6 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Co Autocrat for summer midreign 24, saving my sanity and helping make an awesome campout. Great person to organize on the move! (4-6)
Sir Lady Kaylin Underhell / Lady Mom Order of the Flame 3 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Teaching shadow judges for the Dragon Master at Summer Midreign 2024
Sir Lady Kaylin Underhell / Lady Mom Paragon Color 2023-07-02 Allanon Titanson Massive service and support to our game as a color
Sir Lady Kaylin Underhell / Lady Mom Paragon Color 2023-11-20 Weega Underhell Consistently volunteers for A&S events, judging, and teaching. You can't swing a stick in NL without hitting someone who's crafting hasn't been impacted in some way by Lady Mom. She is a valued mentor and an institution!
Sir Lady Kaylin Underhell / Lady Mom Paragon Color 1 2024-01-18 Lord Zedakiah Massacre Amazing and wonderful member of amtgard despite not fighting often anymore. Always helping others, teaching, encouraging others to have a wonderful time. Brings smiles and joy to many faces throughout the game.
Sir Lady Kaylin Underhell / Lady Mom Paragon Color 1 2024-01-18 Slendy Seral Lady Mom. She was a beacon of colour at the NL Winter Midreign of 2023. She wasn't seen on the battlefield, but was more than willing to help and teach others when it was needed or asked.
Sir Lord Monkey Baron 1 2023-04-17 Thorfin Hillbreaker Monkey has serve Shrouding Mist for two full terms as Duke and deserves this title
Skeeter Everhard Order of the Rose 6 2023-08-13 Baron Hated Holydragon continuously helping run battlegames through the reign
Skeeter Everhard Order of the Smith 10 2024-06-26 Seren Idanikos Creating, organizing and/or running 2 full days of battle games for Summer Migreign camp out.
Smasher Master Owl 1 2023-09-25 Hard Place Smasher innovates in creating new mold and foam tech, he consistently figures out new ways to do things and attempts things other people wouldnt. From his spinning rim shield to his squeaky hammers. He has a unique style and a masters level skill. He is willing to share his knowledge to anyone willing to listen. His level of skill and passion for his craft is undeniably the level of Master Owl.
Smasher Order of Battle 9 2023-09-25 Hard Place Besides holding two paragons, few players have more battle experience then Smasher, Smasher impacts every game he plays and plays in a variety of ways. Most important, in days past Smasher once wielded the Doom Pole, no weapon and player has ever matched the level of destruction or have as much impact on a kingdom level fight as Smasher and the Doom Pole. I will die on this hill
Smasher Order of Battle 9 2022-10-04 Skeeter Everhard is both a Master Druid and a Master Barbarian
Smasher Order of the Dragon 6 2025-01-26 Inari Wolf Red & Black Byzantine chainmail chainn
Smasher Order of the Dragon 7 2025-01-26 Inari Wolf Tooling & design on his newly made chest armor
Smasher Order of the Rose 8 2024-03-23 Inari Wolf For his tavern and tavern games at SMC 2023
Sunflower Order of Battle 8 2023-03-30 Bahyurur, Lord of Light Incredible performance as wizard at nlcc spring 2023 along with his title of paragon wizard and years of badassitude
Sunflower Order of the Griffin 8 2022-09-30 Skeeter Everhard Continued honor on any field he graces with his presence
Thorfin Hillbreaker Custom Award 2022-12-31 Thorfin Hillbreaker To be known as "The Great Macho Nacho" for Shrouding mist promotional video during COVID shutdown
Thorfin Hillbreaker Esquire 1 2024-03-10 Sir Lord Monkey Prime Minister of Guilded Groves for 6 months (before they became Dark Harbor), as well as Served as Dark Harbor's Prime Minister. He has also served as the regent for Sm twice and is deserving of this title
Thorfin Hillbreaker Esquire 2023-04-17 Kanphuzian Duskwalker Served as the Prime Minister of Guilded Groves for 6 months (before they became Dark Harbor), as well as Served as Dark Harbor's Prime Minister from 06/2018 - 12/2018. Thorfin meets and exceeds the criteria for this title of recognition.
Thorfin Hillbreaker Order of the Mask 3 2024-01-02 Corran Gray During the pandemic, Thorfin actively participated in an online RP campaign involving the Hidden Blades Additionally, Thorfin created an RP letter that was sent to all the Kingdoms of Amtgard, sparking further RP.
Wolfgore of the Mists Order of the Griffin 3 2025-02-09 Inari Wolf Great honor during SM Warskills spring 25
Wolfgore of the Mists Order of the Warrior 7 2025-02-09 Thorfin Hillbreaker For placing 2nd in the SM warSkill tournament
Wolfgore of the Mists Paragon Assassin 2024-05-24 Inari Wolf For his efficiency use of the class and skilled attacks with his abundant supply of small throwies.
Xelagos Feralheart Order of the Owl 2 2025-01-11 Vee Xelegos created his own weapon during an A&S Weaponsmith Class hosted by GWK. This was the Second/Third weapon ever constructed by Xelagos.
Xelagos Feralheart Order of the Owl 2 2025-01-21 BadWolf constrution of his 2nd? 3rd weapon ever duing my weapons construction class was attentive and seemed to have learned alot
Xelagos Feralheart Paragon Druid 1 2024-11-14 Thorfin Hillbreaker For his epic strategies on the field of battle and perfecting the defensive and offensive strategy of the class Druid. Always willing to teach and being a pillar of knowledge for any questions about druid. Is a to sway a battle whether providing defensive spells for all teammates or being a force to be rekonned with offensively as well as know what it takes to counter and defeat enemy druids
Zandar Stormchaser Order of the Flame 3 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for volunteer work during RQ summer 2023