Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Aidan Darklighter Order of the Rose 5 2022-10-11 TuK! Uziel Aidan was Hydro Crat for Mid Reign 69. Not only did she handle the Hydration Station but also had good heathly snake s of fruit and meats for everyone. Her dedication to this poured over into helping with Feast , Facilities and her excellance was also noticed and was Squired at this event as well. Her heart is in this Kingdom and shows through and through.
Aidan Darklighter Order of the Rose 5 2022-10-12 Vanthys Amazing work as hydrocrat
Aidan Darklighter Order of the Rose 5 2022-10-14 Alexander Blackwood helping cook and clean at reign 68
Aidan Darklighter Order of the Rose 5 2022-10-16 Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain Hydrocrat for midreign 69. Fruit, snacks, and hydration always available and served well.
Aidan Darklighter Order of the Rose 10 2022-06-14 Count Rorek Silverlight Donations for Feast at Endreign 68/Coronation 69.
Aidan Darklighter Order of the Rose 10 2022-06-15 Sir KaL ThraX helping prepare, cook, serve and clean up for 4 meals at end reign
Aidan Darklighter Order of the Smith 5 2022-10-23 Shroudstar Running a very well organized hydration/snack area at midreign
Goodwyn_Clu_DaBard Order of the Rose 7 2022-10-11 TuK! Uziel EH Mid Reign 69. Sir Clu jumped right in and helped with many task at our Mid Reign and as Auto Crat he was a huge help in the Service department. Even though moving to CK Clu has always gone above and beyond in helping any kingdom when attending events or parks. a TRUE Asset to AMTGARD.
Goodwyn_Clu_DaBard Paragon Archer 1 2022-09-18 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter A paragon overall is someone who makes a marked difference on the field and causes others to alter how they play when that person is on the field. His skill with a bow is beyond game changing. His knowledge and presence makes him a true paragon archer.
Hotmess Von Squid Order of the Rose 10 2024-05-19 INK Von Squid I solely believe Hotmess deserves at least up to a tenth in Rose, She not only does she dedicate numerous hours to put on a great feast for everyone, she also received a CK Star and according to the CK, thats a big deal! she deserves the next level. And also is about to do Feast during her first kingdom coronation at EndReign!
Hotmess Von Squid Paragon Assassin 2024-05-02 Sir Garrick Kershaw A terror on the battlefield with her throwies.
Ice Of Redhawk Order of the Rose 10 2021-12-04 Zacorius For all the different events he has helped run and making court great again
TalathaLin LostFen (Talapia) Order of the Crown 5 2024-03-27 Kevetor Xaris How does a person serving 3 park offices simultaneously not already have 5 crowns? No recommendations that's how!
TalathaLin LostFen (Talapia) Order of the Griffin 1 2024-04-03 Newt Good sportsmanship and honor
TalathaLin LostFen (Talapia) Order of the Warrior 5 2024-03-27 Kevetor Xaris Talathia absolutely rocked the field at SW