Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Berrian Charmcaster Order of the Lion 3 2023-11-25 Phoenix Da-Thail outstanding service
Brom de sam parr Order of the Lion 1 2023-11-25 Phoenix Da-Thail outstanding service
Hulk Von Smash Man-at-Arms 2023-04-02 Sicarus Swiftsteel Sicarus's Man at arms
Lady Zafina Swiftsteel Paragon Warrior 2024-09-13 Perrin Wyyrlok Prowess on the battle field as a warrior
Lady Zafina Swiftsteel Paragon Warrior 1 2022-09-17 Squire Aishling Earthwalker Has spent years perfecting and training other to play warrior to the high ability
Phoenix Da-Thail Lord 1 2024-07-15 Sicarus Swiftsteel exellence as monarch of ravens hollow
Sicarus Swiftsteel Order of the Lion 8 2024-09-14 Roderick Silverhand For going above and beyond at Keep with guest services
Sicarus Swiftsteel Order of the Rose 9 2022-11-14 Baronet Pescadillo Witherbloom Took all overnight Event Ambassador shifts at Bridge Wars 2022
Sicarus Swiftsteel Order of the Rose 9 2024-09-02 Lady Zafina Swiftsteel Has ran event services or worked in some capacity at events for 3 years
Sicarus Swiftsteel Order of the Rose 10 2024-09-14 Roderick Silverhand For their excellent work in guest services at Keep
temple Order of the Rose 1 2023-11-25 Phoenix Da-Thail park service