Player Roster

Persona Mundane Waivered
(Alec) ,
(Amanda Muzquiz) ,
(Amanda) ,
(Andrew) ,
(Andy Chen) ,
(Angel_Juarez) ,
(Austin) ,
(Becky) ,
(Blake Howard) ,
(Carlos_Villatoro) ,
(Chase) ,
(Chavissa_Garrett) ,
(Chianti Walker) ,
(Chris Hix) ,
(Christian Tucker) ,
(craig_lewis) ,
(David Demster) ,
(David Long) ,
(Dustin Jack) ,
(Emily Alkire) ,
(Farrell Wright) ,
(Foster Daly) ,
(Jerry Rosengartner) ,
(Joe_Marrow) ,
(Joseph)(under 14) ,
(Kallin) ,
(Katelynn Johnson) ,
(Lauren_Pruitt ,
(Lillian_Cotton) ,
(Maria_Monk) ,
(Michael Almon) ,
(Michael DeVoid) ,
(Peyton Robinson) ,
(Phillip_Garrett) ,
(Robert Keyser) ,
(Robert) ,
(Ross Patton) ,
(Sandy) ,
(Shane Woodis) ,
(shona_r) ,
(Stephen Sturdivant) ,
(Timothy_McFearin ,
(Trent) ,
(Trenton) ,
(Trevor Young) ,
(tyler bowersox) ,
(Vanessa Ortiz) ,
(William P. Woods) ,
(William P. Woods) ,
(Zhe Sun) ,
Abby Normal ,
Achilles ,
Agala Rosecauldron ,
Ainfean ,
Akriel Progeny of Enoch ,
Alana of Downpatrick ,
Albino ,
Amanda ,
Amber Portugal ,
Angel ,
Arch ,
Arkady Darkhouse ,
Arkan ,
Arthron ,
Ashram Shadowfall ,
Asmaria ,
Atalanta ,
Avin ,
Avo ,
Axiom ,
Aya ,
Azieal ,
Bacchus Silvermane ,
Bain ,
Barrett of Downpatrick ,
Beleghir ,
Bentley ,
Birch Oakman ,
Bjorn ,
BlackAngel**** ,
BlackKnight ,
Blake ,
Blake P. Morley ,
Blakkat ,
Blink ,
Bolenase ,
Boompig ,
Bregolas the Blue ,
Brimstone Lionheart ,
Brother NoName ,
Brutus ,
Cade ,
Caliga ,
Capernicles ,
Capn Crunch ,
Cardinel ,
Carlie ,
Cassandra ,
Catriona ,
Cazdo ,
Cedric ,
Celiz ,
Cervion ,
Chaos Reins ,
Char ,
Charmaynard ,
Chris DeRune ,
Consuelo ,
Corthos ,
Crymzen Savage ,
Dabo ,
Dahlian Riverside ,
Dakkon BlackBlade ,
Dancer ,
Darkbone ,
Darkbow ,
Darkhorse ,
Dash ,
Delham ,
Django ,
Dorian Night ,
Dormouse ,
Dragonstorm ,
Draskois ,
Edgar Dumas of Clan MacGregor ,
Elliot ,
ElShorty ,
Endly ,
Epictetus ,
Eurymaeus ,
Evol Ardnek ,
Faith ,
Falfurinn ,
FerRit ,
Fidget Blackwood ,
Fiona ,
Fireheart ,
Fleur Delis ,
Fuego ,
Galo ,
Garm ,
Garulf ,
Gaz ,
Genesis Li Britannia ,
Gyrn Warduke ,
Hartemer ,
Hawk Eye ,
Heriel ,
Heyo ,
Hurricane ,
Hydronus ,
Hyena ,
Illyana ,
Irene Ironwolf ,
Ironheart ,
Isis Wraithborne ,
Jaithe ,
Janner ,
Jantara ,
Jay ,
Jayarre ,
Jean Piarre ,
Jennenta ,
Jersanity ,
Jin Kazana ,
Julia Frost Avalbane ,
Justin ,
Kahlanth Methwyn ,
Kallysta ,
KalXen ,
Kamodo ,
Kasil ,
Katherine ,
Kato Catspawne ,
Kayrana Lissa ,
Keanu ,
Kiara ,
Killusalla ,
Kiranna ,
Kitty ,
Kitty Ravenscaw ,
Kliktu ,
Lafaya ,
Lapis Kelinia ,
Lazarus Jones ,
Leion Valta ,
Leopord the Mighty ,
leviathan ,
Lightgardain ,
Lightning Count ,
Liliana Wraithborne ,
Link Frostman ,
Loki Avalbane ,
Lomus ,
Lorn ,
Lothelin ,
Lotus ,
Lucan ,
Lulu ,
Madness ,
Mason ,
Masterchief ,
Mayanna ,
Midnight Moon ,
Mint the Skullrfly ,
Mojo ,
Moogie ,
Morticar ,
Mundane ,
Muscatel ,
Nadalia ,
Neaton ,
Nezzerin ,
Night Fighter ,
Nitsuj Gnirbes ,
Nohbody -formerly Mavis Yakute ,
NorthStar ,
Nummer Een ,
Omegus ,
Orion ,
Orlan the Grey ,
Osaka ,
Osgiliath Vesper ,
Pakenn ,
Park rained out, no signins ,
PhenLi ,
Phenom ,
Phred ,
Phred ,
Pissius ,
Pomop ,
Pucca ,
Pyro ,
Pystoph Ludisfane ,
Q-Valos Rython ,
Ra ,
Rainau Dracalena ,
Ralek ,
Rathma ,
Raven ,
Ravenna ,
Raymare of the Lost Woods ,
Raziel Vazdera ,
Reaper ,
Rebecca ,
Redbird ,
Reika ,
Revenant of the Grey Land ,
Rhodora ,
Rinehart ,
RJ ,
Robin ,
Rosemary Sine Avalbane ,
Roxanna ,
Roxygirl ,
Rusian Aono ,
Russel ,
Ryken Itaru ,
Saejima ,
Scarlet ,
Scylla ,
Shade Cloverfield ,
Shadiq ,
Shadowsteppe ,
Shadowwalker ,
Shaka ,
Shandor ,
Sheath ,
Shecky ,
Shift ,
Shyee ,
Skaene ,
Skorp ,
Skullcrusher ,
Slappie ,
Sloth ,
Smurfette ,
Sofia ,
Sol ,
Sonnet ,
Sparrow ,
Springtrap ,
Squealer ,
Stabby ,
Talfa ,
Talis ,
Termus ,
Terragor ,
Thangorn Waterwalk ,
The Dude ,
The One Handed Bandit ,
The Terminator ,
Theodotus ,
Thordor ,
Thorn ,
Thoron Underhill ,
Tiger ,
Tigerman ,
Tink Dagson ,
Tiny der Uberhund ,
Tolly ,
Tonto ,
Topknot (II) ,
Tordeck ,
Torgas ,
Tranos ,
Tristen ,
Tsulakai ,
Tuna Mae ,
undecided ,
Used to indicate days of no signin ,
Used to note days of external events ,
Uther ,
Velda (under 14) ,
Voldamort ,
Walter of Terrier ,
Wednesday Steele ,
Wolf ,
Wolfhaven ,
Wu Tang ,
Xeda ,
Xibulba ,
Yoshi Ketso ,
Yuki Fairy ,
Zacherius ,
Zalcar ,
Zandros ,
Zendra Riverrose ,
Zilla ,
zombiegurl ,